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Lianne van Lith | Jocelyn Weimar De conflictloods
een praktische gids voor omgaan met conflicten op de werkvloer
Nederlands | 215 pagina's | Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam | 2016
Gedrukt boek
Peter 't Lam | Paula Zweekhorst Kiezen voor communicatie
kernbegrippen van professionele communicatie
Studieboek op hbo-niveau.
Nederlands | 141 pagina's | Boom, Amsterdam | 2016
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W. van Olffen | Raymond Maas | Wouter Visser Engage!
reisgids voor veranderavonturen
Praktische adviezen aan managers en medewerkers voor snelle en ingrijpende veranderingen binnen bedrijven en andere organisaties.
Nederlands | 159 pagina's | Van Duuren Management, [Culemborg] | 2016
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Michel Taal Faalkracht
in 3 stappen van laf naar lef
Zelfhulpgids om beperkende gedachten waarmee je risico's vermijdt te doorbreken en zo succesvoller te zijn.
Nederlands | 95 pagina's | Uitgeverij Business Contact, Amsterdam | 2016
Gedrukt boek
Klaas Salverda Testament van de pers
Thematische bloemlezing van (fragmenten van) krantenberichten van 1975 tot 2015, die samen een beeld geven van ontwikkelingen in Nederland en de rest van de wereld en van de pers als bron van informatie.
Nederlands | 604 pagina's | Eburon, Delft | 2016
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Gijs van Wulfen Het innovatie doolhof
4 routes naar een succesvolle new businesscase
Van alle innovatieprojecten haalt 80% de markt niet. Is de start van innovatie voor jou persoonlijk ook een zoektocht? Dan ben je niet de enige. Misschien word je tegengehouden door een gebrek aan tijd en middelen. Of je weet niet goed wat de eindklant wil. En veel collega’s schepen je af omdat zij hun nek niet willen uitsteken. Als spreker over innovatie reist Gijs van Wulfen de hele wereld over: van Turkije naar Tokio en van Canada naar Kaapstad. Overal merkt hij dat innovators dezelfde obstakels...
Nederlands | 248 pagina's | Van Duuren Management, [Culemborg] | 2016
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Carola Rodrigues Social selling
Praktische gids voor de omgang met potentiële klanten met behulp van de sociale media.
Nederlands | 207 pagina's | Bertram + de Leeuw Uitgevers, [Haarlem] | 2016
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Chris Anderson De TED-methode
de officiële gids voor spreken in het openbaar
Adviezen voor spreken in het openbaar.
Nederlands | 561 pagina's | Dwarsligger®, [Amsterdam] | 2019
Frances Kay Smart skills
Part of the Smart Skills series, Presentations provides all you need to know to get the most out of presentations. The guide is a must for any employee, manager, freelancer or business owner. Good presentation skills are essential for any person to succeed in business whether to secure new clients, showcase new projects, staff motivation or for business planning. Getting them right can make or break your career and project. This easy to follow, succinct book provides all you need to know to get ahead....
Engels | ePub2, 1,2 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Jonathan Reuvid Current Investment in the United Kingdom
The first section of the extensively updated eighth edition of Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom provides a background to the buoyant investment climate of the United Kingdom together with briefings on the grants and incentives available to UK registered businesses and the many support services which UK Trade & Investment offers incoming investors. Individual chapters profile the UK's Local Enterprise Partnerships with whom investors can work and the science parks and business incubators where...
Engels | ePub2, 1,1 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Jonathan Reuvid Investment Opportunities in the United Kingdom
Drilling down to specific industries and the overarching benefits of the UK as an investment base, this fourth section of the digital edition of the Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom includes profiles of the investment related elements of the energy and regeneration industries and the advanced manufacturing sectors of automotive, life sciences and agricultural sciences and technologies industries. In the financial services sector, guides are included to setting up a financial services institution...
Engels | ePub2, 2,5 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Jonathan Reuvid Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom 2015-16
In its World Investment Report 2013, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reconfirmed the UK as the largest recipient of foreign direct investment stock in Europe. The Ernst & Young European Attractiveness Survey 2014 found that the UK is the most attractive location for investors in Europe and ranks fifth globally after China, the US, India and Brazil in foreign investors' expectations over the next three years. This reflects its enterprise culture, business-friendly employment...
Engels | ePub2, 7,3 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Jonathan Reuvid Operating a Business and Employment in the United Kingdom
Those who have already taken the decision in principle to invest in the UK, will now need to be conversant with the legal, accounting and taxation regimes of operating a UK business. The third section of the Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom covers in detail the important elements of financial reporting and accounting, business taxation and planning both for the business and foreign nationals, financial compliance issues and the legal aspects of employment, pensions and employee benefits and...
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Jonathan Reuvid Regulatory Environment
The second section of the Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom describes in detail the key elements of the UK regulatory environment with which inward investors need to be familiar before investing. This includes competition law, the regulation of financial services, company formation, intellectual property, compliance with money laundering regulations and the personal immigration regime for individual investors. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Jonathan Reuvid Investors' Guide To The United Kingdom 2011/12
Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom highlights the positive features and practical benefits that continue to make the UK an attractive location for foreign investors. Key industry and services sectors and their business outlooks are profiled in the context of the Government's economic development programme and incentives for industry. These chapters are authored by the editor based on reports and data provided by the private sector, government ministries and agencies, principally the Ministry...
Engels | ePub2, 2,2 MB | CB Digitale Distributie B.V, [Nederland] | 2016
Jonathan Reuvid Investors' Guide To The United Kingdom 2012/13
This new, fully updated fifth edition of Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom provides an authoritative and essential guide to the current investment climate in the United Kingdom. The Guide includes the principal sectors of opportunity for foreign investors, the grants and incentives available, the financial sector and the laws and business regulations that affect foreign investors, as well as guidance on taxation and financial accountancy . In its World Investment Report 2012, the United Nations...
Engels | ePub2, 0,9 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Anne Hawkins Smart skills
Part of the Smart Skills series, Mastering the Numbers offers a practical and accessible guide to the numerical skills needed to excel in business. A must for any employee, manager, freelancer or business owner. Mastering the Numbers is not just for those working professionally with figures, such as accountants, but provides the general skills required for any person working with numbers in the workplace. A must-have book. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | ePub2, 3,7 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Anthony Jacks Smart Skills
Part of the Smart Skills Series, Negotiation offers all you need to know to get the most out of negotiations whether with existing and new clients or negotiating one-off or long term projects. In the current challenging work and business environment, the importance of each negotiation is paramount. This book will provide you with all you need to know, not just for the negotiation itself, but for the set-up, preparation and after the negotiation has been completed. A must for any employee, manager,...
Engels | ePub2, 0,3 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
Rupert Eales-White Winning Ways To Work
Would you like to: - Achieve all the goals you set yourself, in whatever area of your life youchoose?- Learn how to be 'on the same wavelength' rapidly with anyone you meet in your business world?- Improve your leadership and team-building competences?- Learn to think and write with impeccable logic?- Gain promotion within your organisation?- Transform your company's profitability?Then Winning Ways to Work is the book for you. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | ePub2, 0,6 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016
David Bateman Business Plans that Get Investment
; David's book is an invaluable resource for any entrepreneur seeking to raise funding. Based on years of experience, David shows how to keep things short and clear!; Thomas Hellmann, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Said Business School, University of Oxford; Anyone interested in this subject should read this book. ; Tim Hames, Director General of BVCA (British Venture Capital Association) The Business Plan is an essential tool for attracting an investor's attention. They receive hundreds...
Engels | ePub2, 2,1 MB | Legend Press, [Nederland] | 2016