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خطاف رفاي
ARABISCH - Khattaf Raffay is a type of djinn. Ever since childhood, he dreams of becoming a sailor. In the daytime, Khattaf looks like a human but transforms into his djinn form at night possessing very strong powers. He joins a crew of sailors and travels with them on a long cruise. The sailors discover his truth and force him to leave the boat; he resorts to an abandoned boat. While trying to save the crew from drowning due to a storm, Khattaf Raffay is accused of sinking the boat and the crew....
Arabisch | Sarah Taibah, * | 2025
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قلبك قنديل
ARABISCH - A poetic text that simplifies the idea of clairvoyance through the heart, starting with the sources of light, then focusing on the human heart, the importance of feeling for the individual, and how it affects those around him. The text raises the reading tastes of the child.
Arabisch | Gulnar Hajo, * | 2025
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أنا عربي
ARABISCH - A story about diaspora literature and the diversity of cultures for children. It explains the situation of our children migrating from their homeland and moving to countries that speak a language other than theirs. The story also introduces the child to his Arab homeland and different countries. «201C»Zakaria«201D» moved with his family to live in a new house away from his relatives. There, he noticed that his mother and father were talking to each other and to him as usual, but when they...
Arabisch | 2024
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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Al-Amir al-saghir
Een piloot ontmoet bij een noodlanding in de woestijn een prinsje van een verre planeet. Van hem leert de piloot dat je alleen met je hart goed kunt zien. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Arabisch | 128 pagina's | Schiler & Mücke, Tübingen | 2023
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ماذا أرى؟
ARABISCH - A warm story about Nour and her brother Hani Nour, who sees things around her with her ear, nose, mouth and hand and her brother who sees things with his eyes. Hani wonders how we can see things if we do not see them with our eyes, and Nour answers him with a wise and sighted answer.
Arabisch | Yanbow el kitab, * | 2018
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Ingrid Schubert al-Qurṣān wīlim
Een gepensioneerde zeerover en zijn nieuwe kleine vriend bouwen een schip. Maar dan moet Woeste Willem erkennen dat hij niet kan zwemmen. Prentenboek met grote illustraties in fraaie kleuren. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Arabisch | Nederlands | 25 pagina's | Lâle, Nijmegen | 1993
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Fāṭimah Sharaf al-Dīn Ilā al-nawm yā ṣaḵīrī; إلى النوم يا صغيري
Arabisch Prentenboek met een dieren-verhaaltje voor het slapengaan.
Arabisch | 24 pagina's | Dār al-sāqī, Bayrūt | 2016
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Elke Leisink | René Leisink Poes en hond
tekenen en kleuren
Nederlands | Arabisch | 18 pagina's | Biblionef, [Den Haag] | 2023
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Louis Sachar Qiṣaṣ ġarība mina al-madrasa al-ʿaǧība
Arabisch | 167 pagina's | Kalima, Abū ẓabī | 2009
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Dick Bruna Nāyntī fī ḥadīqat al-ḥayawānāt
Nijntje in de dierentuin. - Samen met haar vader gaat Nijntje naar de dierentuin. Daar ziet zij veel verschillende dieren. Prentenboekje met eenvoudige tekeningen in heldere kleuren en tekst op rijm. Vanaf circa 2 jaar.
Fictie | Dierenleven
Arabisch | 28 pagina's | Mercis, Amsterdam | 2002
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أم الهيلان
ARABISCH - "No one knew where Um Um Hailan came from or where she was going. She moved with her grandfather from one place to another, but they only stay in the same place for a few weeks, then they leave quickly when the parents discover the true character of Um Hailan and her strange abilities. What is the secret of Um Hailan? Will she be able to overcome her problem?"
Arabisch | Sarah Taibah, * | 2025
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تيتا وبابتشا: رحلات في وصفات الجدات
ARABISCH - Farah, 12 years old, lives in Paris and is very curious to learn more about her roots, which extend across three countries: Egypt, Syria, and Poland. Who better to tell a family history than grandmothers? What is better than family recipes to immerse yourself in memories with all the senses?Farah takes us on a journey through time and space with Tita and Babcha. Whether the family is Egyptian, Syrian, or Polish, delicious food mixed with love has this magical ability to weave bonds and...
Arabisch | S.I., * | 2024
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كراكوز وعيواظ: في الأكلات والعادات الظراف
ARABISCH - A book about Syrian food and recipes. About Syrian customs and gatherings.. About frames and fantasies About the kitchen in our country and the food and words cooked in it From culture and music... And the colors and shapes that mix in it.. Let the dishes tell the story of a civilization, with its music With its customs, with the harvest of its fields, with the change of its seasons And under the influence of the cultures it passed through. Every time, custom and culture has food and drink
Arabisch | Al-Balsam Publishing House, * | 2023
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الغول ونبتة العليق
ARABISCH - The ogre's life passed like a torrent, with no one able to calm it or avoid it, until that day came when everything changed.
Arabisch | Dar Ashgaar, * | 2020
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Henriette Barkow The buskers of Bremen
Engels | Arabisch | 24 pagina's | Mantra Lingua, London | 2013
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Ulrich Renz | Marc Robitzky De wilde zwanen
De nieuwe vrouw van de koning verandert de elf prinsen in wilde zwanen. Hun zusje, de prinses, wordt gevangen genomen. Hoe zal dit aflopen? Prentenboek met sfeervolle kleurenillustraties en tweetalige tekst. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Arabisch | Nederlands | 40 pagina's | Sefa, Lübeck | 2020
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Véronique Corgibet Wasāʼil al-naql
h̲uṭwaẗ h̲uṭwaẗ
Arabisch | 86 pagina's | Samīr, Bayrūt | 2013
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