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هوّن عليك
ARABISCH - Take it easy. A child's guide to the most important behaviors that have proven effective in dealing with and controlling negative emotions. Provides the child with models that help him control negative emotions
Arabisch | Roya books, * | 2021
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أحمد الحلو + CD
ARABISCH - Ahmad and Mariam are twins who never get along in playtime. Ahmad loves his electronic games and Mariam plays with her doll and tea set. Their parents go on a trip and drop them off to their grandma«2019»s place. Ahmad realizes that he has forgotten his game at home and that he«2019»ll get really bored. Grandma tells them how back in her time, they used to make their own games and all play together in big groups. She then sings a lullaby for them to sleep. That night, Ahmad has a dream...
Arabisch | Maya Fidawi, * | 2025
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صوت البحر
ARABISCH - The source of joy in Leen«2019»s singing, which is spread throughout her city, is the sea and its waves. But one day, the sea stops bringing her happy stories and its waves become sadder until she loses her beautiful voice. She meets Arwa and tells her her secret «2013» the sea carries with it the tunes from the sounds of children who live on its coast. But it is not the sea which has become sad, it is the children. The two girls decide to find the source of sadness and with little effort...
Arabisch | Debora Guidi, * | 2025
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Myrna Floor Welkom in Nederland
Welkomstboek van Nederlandse kinderen voor kinderen die nieuw in Nederland zijn. Met kindertekeningen in kleur en tekst in drie talen (Nederlands, Engels, Arabisch).
Nederlands | Engels | Arabisch | 58 pagina's | New Energy Drukwerk, [Vianen] | 2017
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Martin Waddell Tiṣbaḥ ʿalā ḵayr ayuhā al-dubb al-ṣaġīr
Kleine Beer kan niet slapen, het is veel te donker. Maar zelfs de grootste lantaarn helpt niet. Prentenboek met zachtgetinte waterverfillustraties. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Arabisch | 32 pagina's | Lâle, [Nijmegen] | 1993
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خروف اليوم السابع
ARABISCH - It tells the story of the first seven days of a baby«2019»s life, and the traditional «201C»aqiqah«201D» party held on the seventh day.
Arabisch | 2024
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مغامرة عجيبة غريبة
ARABISCH - While Hind is flipping through the contents of a straw basket given to her by her aunt, she finds herself transported in the blink of an eye to a strange, weird world, where spools of thread speak and a crab plays a musical instrument. But... there is danger threatening this beautiful place and Hind must save the situation. Will you succeed in this? An exciting story that transports the child to another world where love and cooperation prevail, and whose characters, with the help of Hind,...
Arabisch | S.I., * | 2024
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لن أخاف بعد الآن
ARABISCH - For a while now, Sari has been feeling very sad. His mood changed and his focus became distracted. His parents were confused about him, until he told them the reason: It's the annoying Raji who annoys him a lot at school! The story addresses the issue of bullying and how to deal with it. The story emphasizes the responsibility of the school and the family together to support him
Arabisch | S.I., * | 2024
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ARABISCH - Soms horen kinderen niet wat we tegen ze zeggen, of misschien willen ze het niet horen, en soms zien ze ook niet wat ze niet willen zien. Er zijn kinderen die niet echt zien of horen, maar Adam is anders dan alle andere kinderen en er gebeuren vreemde dingen met hem, en hij zal het ze zelf vertellen in dit verhaal dat het verhaal vertelt van een speciaal kind...
Arabisch | Kalimat Group, * | 2024
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عائلة صغيرة كبيرة كبيرة
ARABISCH - The size of a family is not the number of its members, but rather all the things it can achieve. Anas and Mama can achieve anything and that is why they are a big family
Arabisch | Dar Al Sherouk, * | 2023
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حبهان في طريق التوابل
ARABISCH - From a small neighborhood in Old Cairo to the port and the ship...the little Habhan sets out to achieve his big dream, crossing the distances between seas and countries, but the journey can not be without adventures and problems, so how will he deal with them?! Will his dream come true in the end?! What do you think about traveling with him on that trip to find out?
Arabisch | Orjouha Publishing house, * | 2023
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Suhayr Abāẓaẗ Ašʿur wa-kaʾin; أشعر وكأن
Arabisch | Dār al-Balsam, Al-Ǧīzaẗ | 2020
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Āʾišah al-Ḥārithī Anā wa-al-waḥiš; أنا والوحش
ARABISCH - The monster of sadness comes after those we love leave... They fill the void they left behind... Little by little he takes everything we have; Friends, time and joy. How was the hero of the story able to defeat the monster? And to face life again with a brave heart?!
Fictie | Sprookjes
Arabisch | 47 pagina's | Dār Ashjār lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, Dubayy | 2020
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Muḥyī al-Dīn al- Labbād →Kaškūl al-rassām
De bekende Egyptische tekenaar Mohieddin Ellabad vertelt in tekst en tekeningen over herinneringen uit zijn jeugd en over zijn werk. Arabische en Nederlandse tekst. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
Nederlands | Arabisch | 30 pagina's | KIT Publishers, Amsterdam | 2003
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بسرعة ...على مهل
ARABISCH - Through watching their surroundings, children start to differentiate between actions that happen quickly and actions that need time and patience. There«2019»s a different speed for each activity. A book that helps children become aware of the concepts of fast and slow.
Arabisch | Dar Kalimat, * | 2017
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Kharitat aldhikrayat aljayida
ARABISCH - "Winner of the 2017 New York City Big Book Award. Some say that we always return to the places where we embraced life, where we were happy. Zoe, a girl who must flee her city with her family because of the war, remembers them before she leaves. Zoe had lived in the city since she was born. She knew every building, every park, every corner of the city. But the war broke out and she, like many others, had to say goodbye to her home and leave without knowing when she might return. Zoe has...
Arabisch | Cuento de Luz SL, * | 2017
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Marcus Pfister De mooiste vis van de zee
Omdat de mooiste vis van de zee al zijn schatten voor zichzelf wil houden, vinden de andere vissen hem niet aardig. Sfeervol prentenboek met waterverfillustraties waarop glitterende hologrammen zijn aangebracht. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Nederlands | Arabisch | 28 pagina's | De Vier Windstreken, [Voorschoten] | 1996
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Debbie MacKinnon ʿAšrat aṭfāl ṣigār
Aftelboek waarin van tien kleine baby's er telkens één verdwijnt, totdat de laatste naar bed gaat. Prentenboek met zachtgekleurde illustraties en uitklapbare gedeelten. Vanaf ca. 2 jaar.
Nederlands | Arabisch | 20 pagina's | Lâle, Nijmegen | 1993
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Simon James Fī ġābat al-ḥayawānāt al-bariyya
Als Selma met opa in het bos wandelt, ziet ze een eekhoorn die ze graag als huisdier wil. Prentenboek met ingekleurde krasserige pentekeningen. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Nederlands | Arabisch | 28 pagina's | Lâle, Nijmegen | 1993
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