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United Nations The United Nations family
Engels | 36 pagina's | United Nations. Office of Public Information, New York | 1960
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Enquiries into household standards of living in less-developed areas
a survey of the organization and geographic and demographic range of field investigations of the income, expenditure and food consumption of selected households in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Pacific (1930-1950)
Engels | 191 pagina's | Department of Social Affairs, United Nations, New York | 1951
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Charter of the United Nations and statute of the international court of justice
Engels | 71 pagina's | Department of public information, Lake Succes, NewYork | 1948
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Proceedings and documents of the United Nations monetary and financial conference, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944
Engels | US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC | 1948
Gedrukt boek
United Nations The state of the world's refugees, 1997-98
a humanitarian agenda
Engels | 298 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1997
Gedrukt boek
United Nations International instruments of the United Nations
a compilation of: agreements, charters, conventions, declarations, principles, proclamations, protocols, treaties, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, 1945-1995
Engels | 462 pagina's | United Nations, New York, NY | 1997
Gedrukt boek
United Nations UN fiftieth anniversary, 1945-1995
Engels | 443 pagina's | Nijhoff, The Hague [etc.] | 1995
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Radiation
doses, effects, risks
Een algemeen inleidend overzicht van de natuurkundige aard en de kosmische, aardse en door de mens gemaakte bronnen van straling, alsmede effekten en risico's voor de gezondheid.
Engels | 89 pagina's | Blackwell Reference, Oxford [etc.] | 1991
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Coastal area management and development
Engels | 188 pagina's | Pergamon Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1982
Gedrukt boek
United Nations World population trends and policies
1981 monitoring report
Engels | 196 pagina's | United Nations, New York, NY | 1982
Gedrukt boek
United Nations World population trends and policies
1981 monitoring report
Engels | 253 pagina's | United Nations, New York, NY | 1982
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Oils and gases from coal
a review of the state-of-the-art in Europe and North America; based on the work of the Symposium on the Gasification and Liquefaction of Coal held under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Katowice, Poland, 23-27 April 1979
Engels | 305 pagina's | Published for the United Nations by Pergamon, Oxford | 1980
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Housing for special groups
proceedings of an international seminar organized by the Committee on housing, building and planning of the United Nations economic commission for Europe and held in the Hague, at the invitation of the Government of the Netherlands, 8-13 November 1976
Engels | 182 pagina's | Pergamon Press, Oxford | 1977
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Desertification
its causes and consequences
Engels | 448 pagina's | Pergamon, Oxford [etc.] | 1977
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Isotope enrichment, fuel cycles, safeguards
Engels | 536 pagina's | UN etc., New York etc. | 1972
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Small medium power reactors
desalination and agro-industrial complexes, rule of research reactors, impact of nuclear energy in development countries
Engels | 510 pagina's | UN [etc.], New York | 1972
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Advanced energy concepts, peaceful nuclear explosions, special applications including ship propulsion, controlled thermonuclear reactions, application of transuranicum isotapes
Engels | 542 pagina's | UN [etc.], New York | 1972
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Breeder and advanced converher reactors
Engels | 470 pagina's | UN [etc.], New York | 1972
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Integration of nuclear plants in electrical networks, integrated planning of nuclear industry, fuel materials technology
Engels | 509 pagina's | UN [etc.], New York | 1972
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Uranium and thorium ore recources, fuel fabrication and reprocessing
Engels | 577 pagina's | UN etc., New York | 1972
Gedrukt boek