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Aesopus Petuch i Lisa; Петух и Лиса
Bewerking van de fabel "De vos en de haan" van Aesopus
Russisch | 46 pagina's | Kiazpora, United States | 2024
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Живая шляпа и другие любимые рассказы
RUSSISCH - Kind, sincere, spontaneous... Such are they, the heroes of Nikolai Nosov«2019»s wonderful stories: they will always find something to do, and even seemingly completely ordinary situations turn into real adventures! The funny stories of everyone«2019»s favorite writer are accompanied by wonderful illustrations by Ivan Semyonov.
Russisch | 2022
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Кошкин дом
RUSSISCH -Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) was a wonderful children's poet, a classic of children's literature. For more than a hundred years children read his books and keep them in their home libraries. In our book the famous fairy tale-play "The Cat House". Clever, kind and funny, the fairy tale will cheer up little readers and show that kind and attentive to be better than evil and greedy...
Russisch | 2022
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Свинка-балеринка и ведро слёз
RUSSISCH - To achieve anything, you need to work hard! And to make your dream come true, you need to work twice as hard. This is what we are talking about in Olga Verbitskaya«2019»s new fairy tale, «201C»The Ballerina Pig and the Bucket of Tears.«201D» A little pig dreams of a big stage. But to become a ballerina, you need to shed a whole bucket of tears. Don't give up, keep training and rehearsing. On the way to her cherished goal, Pig will be helped by her friends - a cat, a puppy and a donkey....
Russisch | 2022
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RUSSISCH - """Manyunya"" is a book about childhood. Funny, beautiful and full of all sorts of adventures. If you like to laugh, this book is for you. And of course, for your parents, who have grown up, but still remain children at heart."
Russisch | 2022
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Если ты прилетишь на Землю
RUSSISCH - This book can be called the book of a little earthling. Imagine that an alien has arrived on Earth. What will you tell him about how we live, what we do, what we love, how we communicate, what is on our planet? This book is about how different we all are, and about the fact that we all have one home - our planet. Translator: Yu. Shipkov
Russisch | 2020
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Igraem v iogu vecherom. Rasslabliaemsia pered snom
Russisch | Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, * | 2019
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Koala, kotoryj smog
RUSSISCH Znakom'tes': jeto Kevin - koala, kotoryj ljubit, chtoby vsjo bylo kak vsegda i nichego ne menjalos'. No kogda izmenenija prihodjat sami, Kevin ponimaet, chto novoe mozhet byt' udivitel'nym. Dlja doshkol'nogo vozrasta.
Russisch | Poljandrija, * | 2017
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Edgar Valter Kotja i Filja; Котя и Филя
Steenuil Filya en kitten Kotya vervelen zich. Wat kunnen ze doen? Veranderen! Ze wisselden eerst ogen, dan neuzen en uiteindelijk poten. Een grappig en leerzaam verhaal van de geweldige Estse verteller en kunstenaar Edgar Valter vertelt je dat het erg handig is om van tevoren na te denken.
Russisch | 44 pagina's | Rech, Moskou | 2022
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Rob Scotton Kotenok Shmjak i lunnyj kot
Russisch | 11 pagina's | Clever, Moskva | 2022
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