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John Cromwell Abe Lincoln in Illinois
De beginjaren van de politieke carriere van de Amerikaanse president (1909-1865)
Virginia E. Dellino-Musgrave Marine archaeology
a handbook
'Marine Archaeology: A Handbook' aims to give easy access to a range of information about the marine historic environment. It provides a useful guide for all those involved in the marine environment, from local authorities to recreational divers and interested amateurs. In recent years there has been increased awareness of both the potential and the fragility of the marine and maritime zones. Working in these zones presents a range of challenges, from the practical to the legal, which this Handbook...
Engels | 110 pagina's | Council for British Archaeology, York | 2012
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Jeff Cartridge | Ashley Jesson CFDs made simple
a beginner's guide to contracts for difference success
This is an uncomplicated guide to contracts for difference for beginners and existing traders who are looking to further their success. This book outlines some simple, easy to understand strategies anyone can use to start trading CFDs
Engels | 254 pagina's | Wrightbooks, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Richmond, Vic | 2011
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Tabish Khair The thing about Thugs
Een man uit een Indiaas dorp reist in de 19e eeuw met een legerkapitein mee naar Londen, waar hij hem vertelt dat hij in het verleden tot een religieuze moordenaarsbende behoord heeft.
Engels | 244 pagina's | Fourth Estate, New Delhi | 2010
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David Rabe Girl by the road at night
a novel of Vietnam
Een afgezwaaide Amerikaanse militair en een plaatselijke prostituée ontmoeten elkaar in Saigon.
Engels | 228 pagina's | Simon & Schuster, New York [etc.] | 2010
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The Oxford book of Urdu short stories
Verzameling van 22 korte verhalen (zes door vrouwelijke auteurs) uit Pakistan.
Engels | 403 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 2009
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Ian Gittins The secrets of the lost symbol
unlocking the Masonic code
For centuries the Freemasonry has been the subject of rumour and intrigue. From its obscure origins to the suspicion that it exercises huge influence on government and multinational corporations, there has always been more than a whiff of controversy about the organisation
Engels | 266 pagina's | Collins, London | 2009
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Christopher Marlowe The tragical history of Dr. Faustus
Doctor Faust streeft op alle manieren naar de hoogste kennis.
Engels | Saland Publishing | 2008
Luisterboek (cd)
Nigel Slater The 30-minute cook
the best of the world's best cooking
Quick, delicious meals from across the world with ingredients available from your local supermarket all prepared within thirty minutes: the perfect book for the busy cook
Engels | 254 pagina's | Penguin Books, London | 2006
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William Shakespeare Macbeth
First performed in 1606, Macbeth is given a fresh spin by Fiona Shaw in this production that swerves from medieval Scotland to 2Oth century Albania with the ensuing themes of tension, politics, and power struggles that are central to the story.
Engels | Naxos Audiobooks | 2005
Luisterboek (cd)
Jwing-Ming Yang Qigong massage
fundamental techniques for health and relaxation
Engels | 380 pagina's | YMAA Publication Center, Boston, Mass. | 2005
Gedrukt boek
Anita Shreve A wedding in December
[a novel]
Een groep Amerikanen, die sinds hun kostschooltijd met elkaar bevriend is, komt in december 2001 een weekend bijeen voor het tweede huwelijk van een van hen
Engels | Hachette Audio, New York | 2005
Luisterboek (cd)
Biennales de Lyon 7e Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon
18 septembre 2003-4 janvier 2004
Frans | Engels | 223 pagina's | Les Presses du Réel, [S. l.] | 2003
Gedrukt boek
Leo Block To harness the wind
a short history of the development of sails
Engels | 164 pagina's | Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD | 2003
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Hermann Kurzke Thomas Mann
life as a work of art; a biography
Engels | 581 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J | 2002
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Classic american poetry
65 favourite poems
Bloemlezing uit de Amerikaanse poëzie van 1650 tot ca. 1950, met 65 gedichten door 44 dichter(es)s(en).
Engels | Naxos Audiobooks, Redhill | 2000
Luisterboek (cd)
Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on Eleanor Roosevelt
Engels | 14 pagina's | Scholarly Resources, Inc, Wilmington, Del. | 1996
Gedrukt boek
Hendrik Van Loon The life and times of Rembrandt, R.v.R
is an account of the last years and the death of one Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, a painter and etcher of some renown who lived and worked (which in his case was the same) in the town of Amsterdam (which is in Holland) and died of general neglect and diverse other unfortunate circumstances on the fourth of October of the years of Grace 1669 (God have mercy upon his soul) and who was attended in his afflictions by one Joannis van Loon, doctor medicinae and chirurgeon in extraordinary to a vast number of humble citizens whose enduring gratitude has erected him a monument less perishable than granite and more enduring than porphyry and who during a most busy life yet found time to write down these personal recollections of the greatest of his fellow-citizens and which are now for the first time presented (provided with as few notes, emendations and critical observations as possible)
Engels | 570 pagina's | Walter Edwards, London | 1947
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