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Philipp Winterberg The safest place in the world; The safest place in the world
English - Arabic; English - Arabic
Engels | Arabisch | 74 pagina's | Philipp Winterberg, Münster | 2024
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أقاصيص مصرية
ARABISCH - It was because she was my part of Egypt«2026» and Egypt is more beautiful than anything. This is how the hero of one of the six short stories that make up this illustrated collection speaks to us in wonder. His wonder is understandable... Land of abundance, wisdom and mystery, the Egypt of the pharaohs still fascinates today. The obsession with death mixes with the happiness of existing, the harshness of life with the pleasure of the moment. Over more than three thousand years of history,...
Arabisch | Clément Chassagnard, Loïc Le Gall, * | 2024
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سرّ الفهد المرقّط
ARABISCH - Adel and Amjad register in an online chat application under a false name and without their parents«2019» knowledge. Through this application, they meet a suspicious person called the Spotted Leopard. The spotted leopard lures Adel into conversation and approaches him. Why did the spotted leopard lure Adel, and what is his goal in all of this? The events of the story are accelerating and developing dangerously. Will Adel and Amjad be able to get out of the predicament they have put themselves...
Arabisch | S.I., * | 2024
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الفارة لارا وجيرانها في العمارة
ARABISCH - Lara is very old And she forgets a lot of things But Tita Lara is lucky Everyone around her loves her They always race to help her A story about helping others and appreciating the help of others
Arabisch | Asfoura books, * | 2023
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من أفسد كل شيء؟
ARABISCH - «201C»Salma«201D» and «201C»Salim«201D» are twins who were inseparable until «201C»Maryam«201D» visited them! «201C»Maryam«201D» and «201C»Salma«201D» started playing together, and they refused to let «201C»Salim«201D» play with them. So how did «201C»Salim«201D» act? What happened in the end?
Arabisch | Assala Publishing, * | 2023
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Samar Ṭāhir Aḥlum 'an 'akūn mudarris; أحلم أن أكون مدرسا
Arabisch | 24 pagina's | Dār al-sāqī, Bayrūt | 2019
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ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al- ʿAbd al-Laṭīf Muqarrar al-tawḥīd
een leerboek voor jongeren en beginners
Inleidend studieboek over de islam. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Arabisch | Nederlands | 110 pagina's | Stichting Alwaqf Alislami, Eindhoven | 2004
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Fāṭimah Sharaf al-Dīn ʿĀlamī; عالمي
Arabisch | 23 pagina's | Dār al-Sāqī, [Bayrūt] | 2017
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Irma van Welzen Handleiding bij Circus Kiekeboe
voor ouders
Verwerkings- en voorleestips bij een televisieserie die is gericht op taalontwikkeling bij kinderen van 2 tot 5 jaar.
Nederlands | Arabisch | 63 pagina's | Fatush Productions, Utrecht | 2002
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Philipp Winterberg Am I small?; Am I small?
Tamia is nog maar een klein meisje. Of toch niet? Alle dieren die ze het vraagt hebben een andere mening. Prentenboek met vrolijke kleurenillustraties over dubbele pagina's. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Arabisch | Engels | 75 pagina's | Philipp Winterberg, Münster | 2022
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علياء والقطط الثلاث
ARABISCH - Three cute cats live in a warm, loving house, but they wonder between them and themselves about the belly of Mary, the owner of the house, what is his mind growing and growing? Until the answer comes to her one day when Mariam returns and is thrown out of the hospital, carrying in her arms a beautiful baby girl named Alia. Will the lives of Minouche, Pasha and Amir change after the arrival of little Alia?
Arabisch | Yanbow el kitab, * | 2016
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أرض الحكمة
ARABISCH - The land of wisdom has not changed for hundreds of years, and everyone who has gone to it has not returned. Still standing tall in place. Aseel dreamed of the land of wisdom several times, so he decided to go on a trip to find it. He knew that he must meet the five sages of the earth: the sage of the rivers, the sage of the forests, the sage of the mountains, the sage of the desert, and the sage of the stars. And indeed that's what happened and he met with them all. And lived stages full...
Arabisch | Yanbow el Kitab, * | 2022
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ذات البقع البنية
ARABISCH - She was chosen to be in the main cast at the end-of-school year party, but her face full of brown spots almost made her lose her self-confidence.
Arabisch | RAHEEQ AL KOTOB, * | 2022
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سنة في قنا
ARABISCH - He is 13 years old, and he spent it in Cairo between the private school, the club, the mall, and the modern apartment he lives in with his family. How will he find life in an old house in a small village in Qena, where his grandmother and his uncle, who works in agriculture, live? This book is his diary for that year, full of difficulties and exciting events. Every month, he recorded his thoughts, feelings, and impressions of what was going on around him, such as eating food, living in...
Arabisch | Al-Balsam Publishing House, * | 2014
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