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Elaine Weitzman | Lisa Drake Gebruik fantasie in het spel van je kind
Methode voor ouders om de spelfantasie van kinderen met autisme (of met andere communicatieproblemen) verder te ontwikkelen.
Nederlands | 61 pagina's | Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam | 2018
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Pieternel Dijkstra Sociale psychologie
inzicht in sociale relaties en het psychologisch functioneren van mensen
Inleidend studieboek op hbo/wo-niveau.
Nederlands | 404 pagina's | Boom, Amsterdam | 2018
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Rob de Wijk Power politics
We tend to think of ourselves as living in a time when nations, for the most part, obey the rule of law - and where they certainly don't engage in the violent grabs for territory that have characterised so much of human history. But as Rob de Wijk shows in this book, power politics very much remains a force on the international scene. Offering analyses of such actions as Putin's annexation of the Crimea and China's attempts to claim large parts of the South China Sea, de Wijk explains why power politics...
Engels | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 5,7 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2015
New multicultural identities in Europe
religion and ethnicity in secular societies
How to understand Europe's post-migrant Islam on the one hand and indigenous, anti-Islamic movements on the other? What impact will religion have on the European secular world and its regulation? How do social and economic transitions on a transnational scale challenge ethnic and religious identifications? These questions are at the very heart of the debate on multiculturalism in present-day Europe and are addressed by the authors in this book. Through the lens of post-migrant societies, manifestations...
Engels | PDF | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2014
Aldert Boersma | Erik Vooijs Neil's quest for quality
a TMap® HD story
Neil's Quest for Quality A TMap HD Story The world of IT is changing rapidly, with innovations following one another in breathtaking succession. This applies not only to the field of technology, but also to our way of working. Time-to-market and cost limiting are becoming more important by the day. These new ways of working are occasionally perceived as a threat to the quality of our software products. This book shows the opposite: TMap® HD, a human-driven and quality-driven approach offers opportunities...
Engels | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 1,3 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen ut | 2014
Vincent Icke Gravity does not exist
a puzzle for the 21st century
Every scientific fact was born as an opinion about the unknown - a hypothesis. Opinion gradually becomes fact as evidence piles up to support a theory. But what if there are two theories, each of which has produced a myriad of things that correspond perfectly to the phenomena but can't be combined into one? One theory replaced the mystery of gravity with a precise model of space and time. The other theory replaced the mystery of matter with a description of quantum particles. As we understand our...
Engels | 89 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2014
Cyndi Dale De kracht van empathie
je gevoel als spirituele gave
Zes empathische stijlen worden uitgebreid besproken om ze in jezelf en anderen te herkennen met als gezamenlijk doel: verbinden.
Nederlands | 271 pagina's | Altamira, Haarlem | 2015
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Christiane Stenger Begrijp je brein
gebruiksaanwijzing voor je hoofd
Een handleiding om beter om te gaan met stress.
Nederlands | 256 pagina's | SimplifyLife, Baarn | 2015
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Transdiagnostische factoren
theorie en praktijk
Overzicht van de transdiagnostische benadering bij de behandeling van psychische stoornissen.
Nederlands | 414 pagina's | Boom, Amsterdam | 2014
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Rob van der Staaij Handboek identity & access management
Praktische gids voor het beheer van informatie-instrumenten gericht op het voorkomen van identiteitsfraude.
Nederlands | 281 pagina's | Academic Service, Den Haag | 2014
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Günter Spanner Arduino
projecten voor gevorderden
Nederlands | 252 pagina's | Elektor International Media B.V., Susteren | 2014
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Dick Rozing Nederlands-Indië door de ogen van het verleden
de eerste aardrijkskundige fotoplaten van Nederlands-Indië, 1912-1913
Nederlands | 128 pagina's | Dick Rozing Geografie en Onderwijs, Amersfoort | 2014
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Studio Visual Steps Basisgids Mac OS X Yosemite®
Nederlands | 253 pagina's | Visual Steps™, [Uithoorn] | 2014
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B. van Duuren Windows 8.1
Nederlands | 244 pagina's | Van Duuren Informatica, Culemborg | 2014
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Victor G.B. Peters Basiscursus jQuery
Nederlands | 191 pagina's | Academic Service, Den Haag | 2014
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Martijn van Calmthout | Jelle W.F. Reumer Nobel op de kaart
alle Nederlandse Nobelprijswinnaars van vroeger en nu
Nederlands | 240 pagina's | Uitgeverij Lias, [Hilversum] | 2014
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Karel Kolb Facebook-marketing
Nederlands | 112 pagina's | Van Duuren Informatica, [Culemborg] | 2014
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Vincent van Amerongen Online privacy & veiligheid
Praktische handleiding voor het vergroten van de veiligheid en privacy op het internet.
Nederlands | 180 pagina's | Consumentenbond, Den Haag | 2014
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Pascal Borry | Gert Matthijs Iedereen GENIAAL
humane genetica in woorden & cartoons
Inleiding tot de menselijke genetica.
Nederlands | 224 pagina's | Blloan, [Antwerpen] | 2014
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Henny Temmink Ontdek de iPad 6e editie
Nederlands | 260 pagina's | Van Duuren Informatica, Culemborg | 2014
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