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Roland Blijdenstijn | Kees Volkers Over historische wegen
varen, rijden en sporen door de provincie Utrecht
Geschiedenis van het wegennet voor wagens, vaartuigen en treinen door de provincie Utrecht.
Nederlands | 207 pagina's | Stokerkade cultuurhistorische uitgeverij in samenwerking met de provincie Utrecht, Amsterdam | 2018
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Ron Meyer Grip
in gesprek over de staat van ons land
De voorzitter van de Socialistische Partij voert gesprekken met een aantal vooraanstaande personen over de situatie in Nederland, waarin het neoliberalisme en de markteconomie de boventoon voeren.
Nederlands | 147 pagina's | Prometheus, Amsterdam | 2018
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Medische geschiedenis
ziekte, kennis, dokter en patiënt, gezondheidszorg en maatschappij
Thematisch overzicht van de geschiedenis en de wetenschappelijke en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen in de geneeskunde en de gezondheidszorg gedurende de laatste 250 jaar.
Nederlands | 285 pagina's | Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten | 2018
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Wim de Groot Business intelligence
met PowerBI in Excel
Nederlands | 312 pagina's | Van Duuren Media, [Culemborg] | 2018
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Wim Huijser In Luiletterland
tussen schrijvers, uitgevers en andere curieuze letterheren m/v/x
In een dertigtal verhalen belicht de auteur op vaak humoristische en lichtvoetige wijze de 'achterkant' van het literaire leven.
Nederlands | 288 pagina's | Uitgeverij Kontrast, [Oosterbeek] | 2018
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Twan Deibel SharePoint 2016
Nederlands | 234 pagina's | Van Duuren Media, [Culemborg] | 2018
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Leeuwarder Courant Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018
een overzicht
Nederlands | 188 pagina's | Noordboek, [Gorredijk] | 2018
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Miet De Letter | Tom Steeland | Patrick Santens Het hemd met de onmogelijke knopen
praktische gids op jouw weg met de ziekte van Parkinson
Praktische en medische informatie voor Parkinsonpatiënten en hun omgeving.
Nederlands | 204 pagina's | Garant, Antwerpen, Apeldoorn | 2022
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Dora, hysteria, gender
reconsidering Freud’s case study; a Sigmund Freud Museum's symposium
Freud's Dora case and contemporary debates on gender, sexuality and queer theory. 'Dora' is one the most important and interesting case studies Sigmund Freud conducted and later described. It constitutes a key text in his oeuvre and finds itself at the crossroads of his studies in hysteria, the theory of sexuality and dream interpretation. The Dora case is both a literary and theoretically ground-breaking text and an account of a 'failed' treatment. In Dora, Hysteria and Gender renowned Freud scholars...
Engels | PDF, 0,9 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Doing double Dutch
the international circulation of literature from the Low Countries
The importance of a minor language in the field of world literature. Dutch literature is increasingly understood as a network of texts and poetics connected to other languages and literatures through translations and adaptations. In this book, a team of international researchers explores how Dutch literary texts cross linguistic, historical, geophysical, political, religious, and disciplinary borders, and reflects on a wide range of methods for studying these myriad border crossings. As a result,...
Engels | 336 pagina's (PDF, 6,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Claude Doom The IT Management Essentials
Delivering business value
Proper IT management in a contemporary business environment is of utmost importance, on an equal footing even with proper financial management and business acumen. Understanding information technology is therefore essential to all organizations. The IT Management Essentials offers a sound and structured framework for the techniques, methodologies, and activities related to IT management. Modern information technology is more than simply high-tech and gadgetry. In the near future, professional organizations...
Engels | 222 pagina's (ePub2, 3,2 MB) | BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS, Brussel | 2018
Koert Debeuf Tribalization
Why war is coming
War is coming. In 'Tribalization' Koert Debeuf depicts war as an inevitable outcome should the current decreasing of democracy and globalization continue. To describe this worldwide process towards more authoritarian nationalism and fundamentalism The author coins the term tribalization to describe this worldwide process, towards a more authoritarian nationalism and fundamentalism, and reminds his readership of the highly similar 1930s. The election of Donald Trump as president of the United States,...
Engels | 142 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Academic & Scientific publishers, Brussel | 2018
Andy Dennis | Anna Simon Ebola behind the mask
October 2014 and a devastating epidemic of the viral disease Ebola is raging in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. The non-governmental aid organisation Doctors without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is one of the major actors in the fight against the disease. MSF needs more and more nurses and doctors to work in their expanding Ebola Management Centres. The authors responded to MSF's call for volunteers, and left behind their regular jobs for two months to work in an Ebola Management...
Engels | 260 pagina's (ePub2, 3,2 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2018
Daniël Jumelet Bringing IT architecture to life
real world application of a function-oriented approach
The complexity of modern IT landscapes forces organizations to implement changes and innovations in a well-defined and structured way, applying architecture. But that's easier said than done, because how do you actually bring IT architecture into practice? What are the tasks of an IT architect? What methods and tools are available to an IT architect? What products does an IT architect deliver? And how do you make sure that these products are effective and offer added value to an organization? In...
Engels | 240 pagina's (ePub3, 6,5 MB) | Kleine Uil business boeken, Groningen | 2018
Tom van de Ven | Rik Marselis | Humayun Shaukat Testing in the digital age
Ai makes the difference
Testing in the digital age brings a new vision on test engineering, using new quality attributes that tackle intelligent machines and a roadmap split up in fi ve hops. With everything digital there are more possibilities for test automation and piles of (test) data growing out of control. Working together with robots (cobotics), using artifi cial intelligence in testing and eventually predict the occurrence of defects brings your testing to the digital age. We have interviewed companies on their...
Engels | 200 pagina's (ePub3, 1,6 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen | 2018
Ronald Geelen Lessen van Aladdin, Hans en Grietje en vele anderen
voor professionals in de zorg
Adviezen aan werkers in de hulpverlening om hun werk de moeite waard te houden, aan de hand van sprookjes.
Nederlands | 135 pagina's | Gompel&Svacina, Oud-Turnhout, 's-Hertogenbosch | 2018
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Harold Weistra Basiscursus AutoCAD en AutoCAD LT
Nederlands | 246 pagina's | Boom, Amsterdam | 2018
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M.A. Hofman Nederlands, met onderscheid tussen Nederlands-Nederlands en Belgisch-Nederlands
Nederlands | 1895 pagina's | Prisma, Houten | 2018
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Frans Meijman | Annelies Bakker Medische mensentaal
taal en communicatie over gezondheid, ziekte en zorg
Handboek over medische communicatie en taalgebruik in de spreekkamer, in patiëntenfolders en op websites.
Nederlands | 312 pagina's | De Tijdstroom, Utrecht | 2018
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Bob Roth De kracht van transcendente meditatie
in 20 minuten ontstresst
Introductie in de methode van de transcendente meditatie.
Nederlands | 207 pagina's | Kosmos Uitgevers, Utrecht | 2018
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