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Victor Matthias Nyst Dissertatio juridica inauguralis de munere proxenetarum
Latijn | 64 pagina's | Van Leeuwen, Lugduni Batavorum | 1846
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de Saint-Georges Les mousquetaires de la reine
opéra-comique en trois actes
Frans | 92 pagina's | Lelong, Bruxelles | 1846
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Leopoldus Alfred Desiderius Nypels Dissertatio juridica inauguralis de liberorum naturalium juribus in bonis parentum, secundum jus francicum et neerlandicum; quam ... ex auctoritate ... Johannis Henrici Scholten ...
Latijn | 44 pagina's | Gebhard, Lugduni-Batavorum | 1846
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Johannes Bernhardus Loman Dissertatio politico-juridica, qua principia quaedam oeconomiae politicae tractantur
Latijn | 51 pagina's | S. de Grebber, Amstelodami | 1846
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F.M. Dostoevskij Poor people
Een arme ambtenaar in het 19e eeuwse Petersburg voert een briefwisseling met zijn jonge knappe nichtje.
Psychologische roman
Engels | 134 pagina's | Hesperus Press, London | 2002
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S.T. Aksakov A Russian gentleman
Engels | 208 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford | 1982
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David Ricardo The works of David Ricardo
with a notice of the life and writings of the author
Engels | 584 pagina's | Murray, London | 1881
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Thomas Arnold History of the later Roman commonwealth, from the end of the second Punic war to the death of Julius Caesar; and of the reign of Augustus: with a life of Trajan
Engels | 1 pagina's | D. Appleton & co., New York | 1846
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Community of S. Mary the Virgin Butler of Wantage
his inheritance and his legacy
Engels | 96 pagina's | Dacre Press, Westminster | 1846
Gedrukt boek
Master Humprhey's clock
vol II
Engels | 402 pagina's | Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig | 1846
Gedrukt boek
Master Humprhey's clock
vol III
Engels | 546 pagina's | Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig | 1846
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R.J. Culverwell Diseases of winter
on consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, and other diseases of the chest: their remedial and avertive treatment ...
Engels | 289 pagina's | published by and for the Author, London | 1846
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George Rennie The Flushing-Middelburgh, Venloo, and Maestricht railway, connecting the mouth of the Scheldt with the Meuse and the Rhine, by Flushing-Middelburg, Goes,Bergen-op-Zoom, Tilburg, Bois-le-Duc, Veghel, Helmond, Venloo, Ruremonde and Maestricht: the concession of which has been granted to Mr. Dirk Dronkers by the Government of Netherlands
Engels | 92 pagina's | Waterlow & Sons, London | 1846
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Harbour-regulations for the city of Rotterdam
Engels | 46 pagina's | Van Waesberge, Rotterdam | 1846
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H. Falconer Fauna antiqua sivalensis being the fossil zoology of the Sewalik hills, in the North of India
Engels | 64 pagina's | 1846
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George Noel Gordon Byron (Lord) The complete works of Lord Byron
containing ... considerable additions and original notes
Engels | 1004 pagina's | Joseph Baer, Frankfort o. M | 1846
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