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Resultaat 541 - 560 (van 976)
Joseph Nathan Kane Facts about the presidents
a compilation of biographical and historical information
Engels | 801 pagina's | H.W. Wilson Company, New York [etc.] | 2009
Gedrukt boek
The broken spears
the Aztec account of the Conquest of Mexico
Engels | 204 pagina's | Beacon Press, Boston | 2006
Gedrukt boek
André Bazin What is cinema?
Engels | 183 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley | 2005
Gedrukt boek
Lorenzo Da Ponte Memoirs
Engels | 472 pagina's | New York Review Books, New York | 2000
Gedrukt boek
J. Lee Thompson Tiger Bay
A little girl is the only eyewitness to a brutal murder, and she has sworn never to tell what she saw, despite pressure from the police
Mordecai Richler The apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
Een joodse jongen in Montreal in de jaren vijftig zet alles op alles om grondbezitter te worden.
Engels | 377 pagina's | Washington Square Press, published by Pocket Books, New York | 1999
Gedrukt boek
Flavius Josephus The Jewish war
Engels | Oudgrieks (tot 1453) | 573 pagina's | Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. [etc.] | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Richard H. Rovere Senator Joe McCarthy
forew. by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
Levensbeschrijving van de Amerikaanse senator (1908-1957)
Engels | 280 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley [etc.] | 1996
Gedrukt boek
Robert Liddell The rivers of Babylon
Engels | 287 pagina's | Peter Owen, London [etc.] | 1995
Gedrukt boek
Henry Dreyfuss Associates The measure of man and woman
human factors in design
Engels | 96 pagina's | Whitney Library of Design, New York | 1993
Gedrukt boek
Mischa Schwartz Information transmission, modulation, and noise
Engels | 742 pagina's | McGraw-Hill, New York [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
A concise Hungarian-English dictionary
Engels | Hongaars | 1152 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Shelagh Delaney A taste of honey
Toneelstuk over een 19-jarig meisje uit de arbeidersklasse in Engeland in de jaren vijftig.
Engels | 93 pagina's | Methuen, London | 1988
Gedrukt boek
E.C. Woodcock A new Latin syntax
Engels | Latijn | 267 pagina's | Bristol Classical Press [etc.], Bristol [etc.] | 1987
Gedrukt boek
Great experiments in physics
firsthand accounts from Galileo to Einstein
Engels | 370 pagina's | Dover Publications, New York | 1987
Gedrukt boek
John Morgan Cathodic protection
Engels | 519 pagina's | National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston | 1987
Gedrukt boek
L.D. Landau Theory of elasticity
Engels | 187 pagina's | Pergamon Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1986
Gedrukt boek
Octavio Paz The labyrinth of solitude
life and thought in Mexico
Engels | 199 pagina's | Penguin Books, Harmondsworth [etc.] | 1985
Gedrukt boek