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The Cambridge companion to christian doctrine
Engels | 307 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 1997
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Jan te Nijenhuis Comparability of test scores for immigrants and majority group members in the Netherlands
Engels | 194 pagina's | 1997
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Andreas Mitrakas Open EDI and law in Europe
a regulatory framework
Engels | 342 pagina's | 1997
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H.A. Heidinga Frisia in the first Millennium
an outline
Engels | 64 pagina's | Matrijs, Utrecht | 1997
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Mona Hatoum | Michael Archer | Guy Brett | Cathy De Zegher Mona Hatoum
Opstellen en interviews over de installataties en performances van de Libanese kunstenares (1952- ).
Engels | 159 pagina's | Phaidon, London | 1997
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Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest New sounds, new century
Mahler's fifth symphony and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Bijdragen over de Vijfde Symfonie van de Oostenrijkse componist (1860-1911) en de uitvoeringen daarvan door het Concertgebouworkest.
Engels | 135 pagina's | Thoth, Bussum | 1997
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Ronald Taylor Berlin and its culture
a historical portrait
Engels | 416 pagina's | Yale University Press, New Haven, CT [etc.] | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Rick de Graaff Differential effects of explicit instruction on second language acquisition
Engels | 234 pagina's | Holland Academic Graphics], [The Hague | 1997
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Anne Marie van Dongen Culture as method
homogenizing or heterogenizing strategies of change; the case of the international NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)
Engels | 182 pagina's | Eburon, [Delft] | 1997
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Peter Schäfer Judeophobia
attitudes toward the Jews in the ancient world
Engels | 306 pagina's | Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA [etc.] | 1997
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Janneke Johanna Anje Panders The underdrawing of Giovanni di Paolo
characteristics and development
Engels | 171 pagina's | 1997
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L.R.T. van der Goot Valuing new issues
information quality of initial public offerings at the Amsterdam stock exchange
Engels | 197 pagina's | Thesis Publishers, Amsterdam | 1997
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Joanna Swabe The burden of beasts
a historical sociological study of changing human-animal relations and the rise of the veterinary regime
Engels | 204 pagina's | 1997
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Madeleine St John The essence of the thing
Een jonge vrouw krijgt onverwacht te horen dat haar vriend, met wie ze al twee jaar samenwoont, een eind aan hun relatie wil maken.
Engels | 234 pagina's | Fourth Estate, London | 1997
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Nanne Pieter George Joosse The Sermon on the Mount in the Arabic Diatessaron
Engels | Arabisch | 428 pagina's | 1997
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R.L.A. Morsink Corporate networking and foreign direct investment
explaining the mosaic of geographical foreign direct investment patterns under different corporate strategies
Engels | 208 pagina's | 1997
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Martin Martens Interaction between financial markets
Engels | 208 pagina's | Thesis Publishers, Amsterdam | 1997
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Tim Parks Europa
Tijdens een busreis door Europa ontdekt een Engelse universitair docent verborgen hoeken in zijn eigen psyche, hetgeen leidt tot dramatische gebeurtenissen.
Fictie | Psychologische roman
Engels | 248 pagina's | Secker & Warburg, London | 1997
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René Smits The European Central Bank
institutional aspects
Engels | 638 pagina's | 1997
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Mariëtte Berndsen Some illusions about illusory correlation
Engels | 113 pagina's | Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculteit Psychologie, Amsterdam | 1997
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