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Behaviour Interactive Phineas and Ferb
quest for cool stuff
Broertjes Phineas en Ferb bouwen in de tuin een museum voor coole spullen, alleen moet het museum nog wel gevuld worden. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar
Philip Jodidio Architecture now!
Documentatie in woord en beeld over recente projecten van 63 internationale architectenbureaus.
Engels | Duits | Frans | 480 pagina's | Taschen, Cologne | 2013
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Jonathan Coe Expo 58
Een jonge Londense ambtenaar wordt in 1958 naar het Britse paviljoen van de wereldtentoonstelling in Brussel gestuurd met de vage opdracht om daar 'een oogje in het zeil te houden'.
Engels | 265 pagina's | Viking, London | 2013
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Liz Coley Pretty girl thirteen
Nadat een 16-jarig Amerikaans meisje ontsnapt aan haar ontvoerder en verkrachter, werkt ze aan het verwerking van deze traumatische gebeurtenissen die drie jaar hebben geduurd.
Fictie | Psychologische roman
Engels | 264 pagina's | Harper, London | 2013
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Paul Shipton Disney Lilo & Stitch
Een vernielzuchtige alien komt op een Hawaïaans eiland terecht. Hij wordt meegenomen door Nani en haar jonge zusje Lilo als gezelschapsdier. Met kleurenillustraties uit de animatiefilm en opdrachten. Vanaf ca. 11 jaar.
Fictie | Science fiction
Engels | 40 pagina's | Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow | 2013
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Brandon Sanderson Alcatraz versus the evil Librarians
De gemene bibliothecarissen willen de wereld overnemen. Samen met zijn opa moet Alcatraz de wereld zien te redden van deze kwaadaardige wezens. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
Fictie | Humoristische roman | Science fiction
Engels | 232 pagina's | Orion Children's Books, London | 2013
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Julie Berry All the truth that's in me
Judith (18, ik-figuur) is twee jaar vermist geweest. Als ze terugkeert wordt ze door de gemeenschap verstoten, omdat ze door haar ontvoerder verminkt is. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Engels | 274 pagina's | Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., New York, New York | 2013
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Janet Frame In the memorial room
Wanneer een Australische auteur een beurs wint die hem in staat stelt in Frankrijk te werken, wordt hij geconfronteerd met zijn eigen angsten.
Engels | 202 pagina's | Counterpoint, Berkeley | 2013
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Herman Adèr Father, mother
In this novella from Herman Adèr, the autobiographical elements are more obvious than in his previous novellas and stories. Yet, the first-person narrator is nowhere centre stage, the father and the mother remain the main characters all along. However, this detached manner of writing emphasizes how very evocative various scenes are. It could be said that the novella deals with Death. With the sudden death of the father, and with the slow, painful deterioration of the mother into her dementia, followed...
Engels | 80 pagina's (ePub2) | Johannes van Kessel Publishing, Huizen | 2017
Patricia Snel The expat
Dutch expat Julia de Rijck uses husband Paul's telescope to spy on Dave across the pool in their luxury Singapore condominium. Despite their mutual attraction there is something about the man that makes Julia uneasy. When Dave's maid, Angelica, dies in suspicious circumstances, Julia gets pulled into a world of secrets and discovers a less visible Singapore of exploitation and prostitution. The Expat is a gripping story of greed, love, infidelity and crime in Singapore. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 223 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | The House of Books, Amsterdam | 2015
Katrien Schaubroeck The normativity of what we care about
a love-based theory of practical reasons
A love-based reason theory as a new perspective in the debate on practical reasons. Reasons and obligations pervade our lives. The alarm clock gives us a reason to get up in the morning, the expectations of colleagues or clients give us a reason to do our jobs well, the misery in developing countries gives us a reason to donate money to Oxfam, a headache gives us a reason to take an aspirin. Looking for unity in variety, philosophers wonder why a consideration counts as a reason to do something....
Engels | 207 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
Jan C. van der Heide Anna
dancing in my mind
ANNA - dancing in my mind For those who knew her, Anna van der Heide had become a household word. Her name stood for love, warmth, humanity and kindness. She was for one and all a large loving mothers heart. Anna, the wife of psychic and hypnotherapist Jan C. van der Heide, has passed away. Jan wrote this book about his dearly beloved Anna. `The flower of his heart, the woman he owes so unprecedented much to. While reading, we can bask in her unlimited love, and in her deep warmth and spirituality....
Engels | 150 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Citadel, Oegstgeest | 2013
Herman Van der Wee | Monique Verbreyt A small nation in the turmoil of the Second World War
money, finance and occupation (Belgium, its enemies, its friends, 1939-1945)
Based on intensive research in the archives of six countries, this monograph presents an in-depth analysis of Belgium's monetary and financial history during the Second World War. Exploring Belgium's financial and business links with Germany, France, The Netherlands, Great Britain, the United States, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the study focuses on the roles played in this complex wartime network by the Central Bank and private bankers in Brussels, by the Belgian government in exile in London,...
Engels | 494 pagina's (PDF, 5,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
Medical encyclopedic dictionary
over 20,000 entries; the most common diseases explained; descriptions, preventions, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatments; extra over 100 medical tests
This interactive medical encyclopedic dictionary offers over 20,000 entries with answers on all your medical questions. This book includes over 4,000 files and articles on most common and specific health issues. We have added an appendix with over 100 medical tests to conclude this guide. This is an ideal interactive ebook for medical students, professionals, and personal use. Navigating through this extensive database of medical information is easy with the index and full text search option. This...
Engels | 650 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | iMed Books, Stuifzand | 2013
Dries Raeymaekers One foot in the palace
the Habsburg Court of Brussels and the politics of access in the reign of Albert and Isabella, 1598-1621
The splendor and enticement of the Archdukes' Court in Brussels The Habsburg Court of Brussels remains one of the few early modern princely courts that have never been thoroughly studied by historians. Yet it offers a unique case, particularly with regard to the first decades of the seventeenth century. Once home to the Dukes of Burgundy, the ancient palace on the Coudenberg hill in Brussels became the principal residence of the Habsburg governors in the Low Countries and, in the period 1598-1621,...
Engels | 366 pagina's (PDF, 3,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
Business planning for digital libraries
international approaches
This book brings together international experience of business planning for digital libraries: the business case, the planning processes involved, the costs and benefi ts, practice and standards, and comparison with the traditional library where appropriate. Although there is a vast literature already on other aspects of digital libraries, business planning is a subject that until now has not been systematically integrated in a book. Digital libraries are being created not only by traditional libraries,...
Engels | 250 pagina's (PDF, 4,3 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2013
Yolinda Vixen My sultry confessions
Erotische schetsen en foto's.
Fictie | Erotische verhalen | Verhalenbundel
Engels | 82 pagina's (ePub2, 26 MB) | CP Romance, Capelle ad IJssel | 2013
Jaap Peters | Mathieu Weggeman The rhineland way
reintroducing a European style of organisation
The Rhineland Way was French philosopher Michel Albert s proposed answer to the Anglo-American style of market capitalism that spread across the globe after the demise of Communism in the early 1990s. Today, in the wake of recent scandals and the crisis in the banking industry, this alternative is more viable -- and more needed -- than ever before. What does the Rhineland Way mean on a practical, day-to-day working level? How can we infuse our organisations and working processes with a little Rhineland...
Engels | 34 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Business Contact, Amsterdam | 2013
Anita Verkerk The enchanted castle
When love and passion are cast aside in favor of Michael's career, he forces Samantha to take fate into her own hands. Craving the long nights of love they used to share, she lures Michael to France to spend one scorching night in The Enchanted Castle... A spicy paranormal romance from best-selling author Anita Verkerk. The author's rights of this e-pub are protected by a watermark. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 82 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | Cupido Hot Romance, Soest | 2013
Anita Verkerk A Mysterious Knight
Cupido Hot Romance 18+ Princess Esmeralda is afraid of love, and refuses to marry. A gorgeous mysterious knight saves her life, teaching her the secrets of pleasure... A spicy romance from best-selling author Anita Verkerk. The author's rights of this e-pub are protected by a watermark. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | ePub2, 1,1 MB | Cupido Hot Romance, Soest | 2013