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Petrus Franciscus Maria Stalmeier On the measurement of large color differences
Engels | 107 pagina's | NICI, Nijmeegs Instituut voor Cognitie-onderzoek en Informatietechnologie, Nijmegen | 1990
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Peter Jarvis An international dictionary of adult and continuing education
Engels | 372 pagina's | Routledge, London [etc.] | 1990
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Annemie Kemps Early mother-infant interactions
parturitional and maternal behaviour, and the effects of rearing condition and parity in captive Java macaques (Macaca fascicularis)
Engels | 152 pagina's | 1990
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William Faulkner Novels
Engels | 1117 pagina's | Library of America, Literary Classics of the United States, New York, NY. | 1990
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Kingsley Amis The Amis collection
selected non-fiction 1954-1990
Bundeling van essays en recensies over uiteenlopende onderwerpen, met name poëzie en woordenboeken.
Engels | 400 pagina's | Hutchinson, London [etc.] | 1990
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medieval and early modern monarchic ritual
Engels | 257 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley, CA [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Strategic human resource development
Engels | 171 pagina's | Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Chris Baldick The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms
Engels | 246 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
New perspectives on Renaissance thought
essays in the history of science, education and philosophy; in memory of Charles B. Schmitt
Engels | 324 pagina's | Duckworth [etc.], London | 1990
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Centres d'Archives-Husserl Husserl-Ausgabe und Husserl-Forschung
Duits | Frans | Engels | 184 pagina's | Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht [etc.] | 1990
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The early Romantic era
between revolutions: 1789 and 1848
Engels | 325 pagina's | Macmillan, Basingstoke [etc.] | 1990
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Richard Perceval Graves Robert Graves
the years with Laura, 1926-40
Engels | 380 pagina's | Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London | 1990
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M. van Winsum-Westra Spacing and repetition effects in human memory
Engels | 230 pagina's | 1990
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Boudewijn Johan Dwars Amputation level selection
Engels | 88 pagina's | VU University Press, Amsterdam | 1990
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Gertjan Ettema Series elastic properties and architecture of skeletal muscle in isometric and dynamic contractions
Engels | 126 pagina's | VU University Press, Amsterdam | 1990
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Jonathan Spence The search for modern China
Engels | 876 pagina's | Norton, New York [etc.] | 1990
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Cornelia J.M. van Binsbergen Biological aspects of anorexia nervosa
Engels | 136 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
James E. Bradley Religion, revolution, and English radicalism
nonconformity in eighteenth-century politics and society
Engels | 473 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 1990
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S.Ju. Vitte The memoirs of Count Witte
Engels | 885 pagina's | Sharpe, Armonk, N.Y. [etc.] | 1990
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