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Resultaat 761 - 780 (van 1137)
Dirk Bruins Plutarchi vita Pompeii cum Ciceronis testimoniis collata
Latijn | 104 pagina's | Van Someren, Zutphaniae | 1882
Gedrukt boek
B.H. Steringa Kuyper De fontibus Plutarchi et Appiani in vita sullae enarranda
Latijn | 143 pagina's | Blanche, Traiecti ad Rhenum | 1882
Gedrukt boek
Henricus ten Cate Fennema Quaestiones parthicae
Latijn | 119 pagina's | Thieme, Neomagi | 1882
Gedrukt boek
Waling Dykstra In doaze fol âlde snypsnaren
bernerymkes, berneboarterijen, jonkfolkswille, riedlingen, âlde lieten, sprekwirden en yette mear
Westerlauwers Fries | 32 pagina's | T. Telenga, Frjentsjer [Franeker] | 1882
Gedrukt boek
James L. Bowes Japanese marks and seals
in literature and the arts
Overzicht van Japanse stempels en zegels.
Engels | 379 pagina's | Floating World | 2003
Gedrukt boek
Anthony Trollope The fixed period
a novel
Engels | 183 pagina's | The University of Michigan press, Ann Arbor | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Familiar quotations
a collection of passages, phrases and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature
Engels | 1750 pagina's | Macmillan, London [etc.] | 1977
Gedrukt boek
Henry Sweet Sweet's Anglo-Saxon primer
Engels | 129 pagina's | The Clarendon Press, Oxford | 1974
Gedrukt boek
William Audsley Designs and patterns from historic ornament
Engels | 74 pagina's | Dover Publications, New York | 1968
Gedrukt boek
Paul Letarouilly The Vatican and the Basilica of St. Peter, Rome
Engels | Frans | 305 pagina's | Alec Tiranti, London | 1953
Gedrukt boek
Archibald Geikie Text-book of geology
Engels | 1147 pagina's | MacMillan, London [etc.] | 1893
Gedrukt boek
Alex. Melville Bell Sounds and their relations
a complete manual of universal alphabetics, illustrated by means of visible speech
Engels | Trübner, London | 1882
Gedrukt boek
P.H. van Moerkerken (sr.) Biographical outlines of English literature
Engels | 262 pagina's | Erven F. Bohn, Haarlem | 1882
Gedrukt boek
Dante Alighieri Divine comedy
the inferno; a literal prose transl. with the text of the original
Engels | 432 pagina's | 1882
Gedrukt boek
Historic China and other sketches
Engels | 405 pagina's | Thos. de la Rue & Co, London | 1882
Gedrukt boek
H.W. Longfellow Poems and fragments
selected from the works by Urda
Engels | 193 pagina's | 1882
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