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उस देश में जहां बीटल का राज है
HINDI - Let's go to a world where all the colors of nature reside. May the living beings be happy and may there be a world of trees.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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My First Book of farm animals and pets
HINDI - The first bilingual picture board book (English - Hindi) for your child to learn farm animals and pets. Its well-researched pictures will help your baby to identify different animals, build vocabulary and improve observation skills.
Engels | Hindi | Wonder House Books, * | 2019
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सत्या सावधान!
HINDI - Jump and crawl and climb with Satya as he goes along with Amma to the farm where she works. A story about the different and wonderful ways in which we move.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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Minu aur uskey Baal
HINDI - Minu's hair looks almost like a bird's nest and she does not like it. Her parents and grandmother try to tame it. What happens then?
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Kahani Purani
HINDI - The book introduces the babies to the story of Ram and Sita from the epic of Ramayan. The story is simplified for the little ones. The story is written in simple poems. It has beautiful illustrations too.
Hindi | T4Tales, * | 2019
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Lonely rabbit and her dream: English- Hindi
Engels | Hindi | Biblio Bee Publications, Stanmore | 2017
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Deenu Kaka ki Mithai
HINDI - This book tells the story in easy language and has beautiful illustrations. A nice read aloud story for the children.
Hindi | Sonalika Publications, * | 2022
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Mishti Learns to swim
HINDI - Mishti, the elephant is afraid of swimming. Her friend's help her overcome her fear and also teaches her a super fun science principle!
Hindi | Sonalika Publications, * | 2022
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Wadiya Singh ki Rajasthan Yatra
HINDI - Zazoo hoort over de beroemde Indiase woestijn Thar en wil met Wadiya Singh op woestijnsafari in Rajasthan. Wat vinden ze daar?
Hindi | Sonalika Publications, * | 2022
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Catherine Rayner अगस्ता और उसकी मुस्कान
Tijger Augustus is zijn lach kwijt. Hij zoekt overal: hoog in de bergen, in zee en in de woestijn. Onderweg ziet hij veel mooie dingen, maar zijn lach vindt hij niet. Tot het gaat regenen. Prentenboek met krachtige kleurenillustraties en tweetalige tekst. Vanaf ca. 3 jaar.
Hindi | Engels | 28 pagina's | Mantra Lingua, London | 2021
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HINDI - Amma makes Dosas, the paper thin chapatis. They keep vanishing! The pictures move in this book. A huge hit with the children.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2008
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Wadiya Singh ki Punjab Jatra
HINDI - Dit boek maakt deel uit van de serie Wadiya Singh en Zazoo. Het is een tweetalig boek met prachtige foto's en een makkelijk te lezen lettertype. De alien Zazoo komt op bezoek in Punjab en samen met zijn vriend Wadiya Singh ervaart hij de schoonheid van Punjab.
Hindi | Sonalika Publications, * | 2021
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Martin Waddell Farmer duck
Een eend moet op de boerderij al het zware werk doen, terwijl de boer de hele dag in bed ligt te snoepen en te luieren. De andere dieren kunnen het niet meer aanzien en besluiten hun vriend te helpen en de boer een lesje te leren. Prentenboek met paginagrote aquarellen in natuurlijke kleuren en tweetalige tekst. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Fictie | Dierenleven
Engels | Hindi | 36 pagina's | Mantra Lingua, London | 2020
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Hum Sab Fake Hain
HINDI - Deze verzameling humoristische verhalen van de heer Neeraj Badhwarji, een van de opkomende satireschrijvers van deze tijd, wordt aan u gepresenteerd. Deze satirische bundel is gebaseerd op de veranderende gebeurtenissen om ons heen. De auteur heeft deze incidenten heel mooi uitgelegd.
Hindi | Prabhat Books, * | 2018
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Das Din
HINDI - Help your children learn numbers 1-10 in Hindi fun way. It is based on an old Hindi rhyme. An interactive board book with good illustrations.
Hindi | T4Tales, * | 2017
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HINDI - Ghuspethiya is another link in the literary journey of the famous writer Hari Joshi. In 2013, he was awarded 'Vyangshree Samman' and 'Sahitya Manishi', and in 2002, he was awarded 'Madhya Pradesh Lekhak Sangh Samman'. Most of his writings are satirical and many times, through his satire, he takes a sharp dig at the government and its ways.
Hindi | Rajpal, * | 2015
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Yvonne Jagtenberg [Balotje vindt een vriendje
Hindi | 26 pagina's | A & A Books, Gurgaon (India) | 2014
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