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Brief van eenen onbeeëdigden priester aan eenen anderen onbeeëdigden
Nederlands | 28 pagina's | En zyn te bekomen by de voornaemste Boekverkoopers der negen vereenigde Departementen, Tot Gend | 1800
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De bisschoppen en andere overheden der Nederlandsche kerk verdedigt tegen den herderlyken brief van het vicariaet des openstaende bisdoms van Gend, van 12. October 1800
Nederlands | 41 pagina's | 1800
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Adriaan de Bruine Lijkrede, ter nagedachtenisse van B. H. W. Gijbel.
Nederlands | 28 pagina's | 1800
Gedrukt boek
Gemeente Middelburg Nieuwe verbeterde en geamplieerde ordonnantie op het fruiteniers gilde, der stad Middelburg in Zeeland
Nederlands | 1 pagina's | gedrukt by Hermanus Snel, Te Middelburg | 1796
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Joseph Jacob von Plenck Korte leerstellingen der algemeene oeffenende heelkunde
Nederlands | 1 pagina's | by Fredrik de Kruiff, boekverkooper #op de Zeedyk, by de Kolksluis#, Te Amsterdam | 1776
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P. Marin Nieuwe Fransche en Nederduitsche spraakwyze; vermeerdert met een uitvoerige sintaxis of woorden schikking
Nederlands | Frans | 352 pagina's | De Vries, Deventer | 1751
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Teresa van Avila Het leven van de heylige Theresia
Nederlands | 344 pagina's | By Cornelis Meyer, Tot Ghendt | 1725
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Joh. Friedr. Aug. Kinderling Geschichte der nieder-sächsischen oder sogenannten plattdeutschen Sprache vornehmlich bis auf Luthers Zeiten, nebst einer Musterung der vornehmsten Denkmahle dieser Mundart
Duits | 2 pagina's | G. Ch. Keil, Magdeburg | 1800
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John Moore Mordaunt
sketches of life, characters, and manners in various countries, including the memoirs of a French lady of quality
Engels | 508 pagina's | Oxford University Press, London [etc.] | 1965
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Oliver Goldsmith The vicar of Wakefield
a tale supposed to be written by himself. Stereotype edition, according to the process of Firmin Didot
Engels | 235 pagina's | at the printing office and stereotype foundery of P. Didot the elder, and of F. Didot. Eighth year., Paris | 1800
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Mary Wortley Montagu Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montague, written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to which are added poems of the same author
Engels | 320 pagina's | Didot, Paris | 1800
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A. Ypey Annaei Ypey Oratio de vera religione, hvmanitatis sensvi, vbivis gentivm, excitando apprime accommodata
pvblice habita die XI. Ivnii, A. MDCCC. Qvvm ordinariam historiae ecclesiasticae professionem in academia Batava, qvae est Hardervici, solenni ritv avspicaretvr
Latijn | 2 pagina's | apud Everardvm Tyhoff, Hardervici | 1800
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Augustin Barruel Abrégé des mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du Jacobinisme
Frans | 315 pagina's | 1800
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Hermannus Reinardus Finman Theses juridicae inaugurales ... ex auctoritatie Joannis Melchioris Kemper ...
Latijn | 14 pagina's | Tyhoff, Harderovici | 1800
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L.P. Ségur (l'ainé) Histoire des principaux événements du règne de F. Guillaume II, roi de Prusse; et tableau politique de l'Europe, depuis 1786 jusqu'en 1796, ou l'an 4 de la république; contenant un précis des révolutions de Brabant, de Hollande, de Pologne et de France
Frans | Chez F. Buisson, A Paris | 1800
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Jonathan Swift The travels of Lemuel Gulliver, into several remote nations of the world
Engels | 434 pagina's | printed for C und F. Walther, Dresden | 1800
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C.H. von Bogatzky A golden treasury for the children of God
consisting of select textes of the Bible, with devotional and practical observations, for every evening in the year
Engels | 356 pagina's | 1800
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John Charnock An history of marine architecture including an enlarged and progressive view of the nautical regulations and naval history, both civil and military, of all nations, especially of Great-Britain...
Engels | 436 pagina's | Bye and Law, London | 1800
Gedrukt boek
Hannah More Strictures on the modern system of female education
with a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune
Engels | Printed by A. Strahan ... for T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, London | 1800
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