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Toni Avenarius Der Mosaikboden in St. Gereon zu Cöln restaurirt und gezeichnet von Toni Avenarius, nebst den damit verwandten Mosaikböden Italiens
Duits | [Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande], Bonn | 1873
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Jacob Hepkema Heech oan, en Smalbrêgge net ienris bisile, ef: it moat earst op 't slimst ear 't betterje kin!
toanielstik în ien bidriuw
Westerlauwers Fries | 37 pagina's | N.A. Hingst, Hearrenfean [Heerenveen] | 1873
Gedrukt boek
H.B. Tristram The land of Moab
travels and discoveries on the East Side of the Dead Sea and the Jordan
Engels | 408 pagina's | Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ | 2003
Gedrukt boek
Hermann Menge Lehrbuch der lateinischen Syntax und Semantik
Duits | 1017 pagina's | Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt | 2000
Gedrukt boek
John Penrice [Silk al-bayān fī manāqib al-Qurʾān]
Engels | Arabisch | 166 pagina's | Curzon Press, London | 1976
Gedrukt boek
Frederic Hudson Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872
Engels | 789 pagina's | Harper, New York [etc.] | 1969
Gedrukt boek
Pseudo- Dares Phrygius Daretis Phrygii De excidio Troiae historia
Latijn | 67 pagina's | Teubner, Stuttgart [etc.] | 1991
Gedrukt boek
Frederick A. Laing A history of English literature for junior classes
Engels | 261 pagina's | William Collins, London [etc.] | 1881
Gedrukt boek
Dr John Doran A lady of the last century (Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu)
illustrated in her unpublished letters
Engels | 372 pagina's | R. Bentley and Son, London | 1873
Gedrukt boek
Walter Bagehot Lombard street: a description of the money market
Engels | 359 pagina's | King, London | 1873
Gedrukt boek
C. Drury E. Fortnum A descriptive catalogue of the maiolica Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus and Rhodian wares in the South Kensington Museum [London]
Engels | 248 pagina's | 1873
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Carstairs Douglas Chinese-English dictionary of the vernacular or spoken language of Amoy, with the principal variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew dialects
Chinese talen | Engels | 612 pagina's | 1873
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Frances Martin Angelique Arnauld
abbess of Port Royal
Engels | 328 pagina's | Macmillan, London | 1873
Gedrukt boek
Thomas Moore The poetical works of Thomas Moore
Engels | 172 pagina's | Dicks, London | 1873
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