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Georg Curtius Grundzüge der griechischen Etymologie
Duits | 836 pagina's | B.G. Teubner, Leipzig | 1873
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Paul Lacroix Vie militaire et religieuse au Moyen Age et à l'époque de la Renaissance
Frans | 572 pagina's | Firmin Didot, Paris | 1873
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C.G. Voorhelm Schneevoogt Catalogue des estampes gravées d'après P. P. Rubens, avec l' indication des collections où se trouvent les tableaux et les gravures
Frans | 256 pagina's | Les Héritiers Loosjes, Harlem | 1873
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Wilhelm Wackernagel Poetik, Rhetorik und Stilistik
academische Vorlesungen
Duits | 452 pagina's | Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, Halle | 1873
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Viollet-Le-Duc Histoire d'une maison
texte et dessins
Frans | 260 pagina's | Bibliothèque d'Éducation et de Recréation, Hetzel, Paris | 1873
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P.L. Muller Wilhelm III von Oranien und Georg Friedrich von Waldeck
ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kampfes um das europäische Gleichgewicht
Duits | Frans | 383 pagina's | Nijhoff, Haag | 1873
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Teckningar ur Svenska Statens Historiska Museum
Zweeds | Kongl. Vitterhets Historie och Antiquitets Akademiens Förlag, Stockholm | 1873
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Henry Havard Objets d'art et de curiosité tirés des grandes collections hollandaises
orfèvrerie, ivores, faïences, émaux, &a exposés à Amsterdam en 1873
Frans | 184 pagina's | Schalekamp, Haarlem | 1873
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Waling Dykstra Reis nei it sindingsfeest în 't Oranjewald op 'e 9de Juli 1873
Westerlauwers Fries | 32 pagina's | L. Schierbeek, Leauerd [Leeuwarden] | 1873
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Ignaz Moscheles Recent music and musicians
as described in the diaries and correspondence of Ignatz Moscheles
Engels | 434 pagina's | Da Capo Press, New York | 1970
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J. Clerk Maxwell A treatise on electricity and magnetism
Engels | Clarendon Press, Oxford | 1892
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Alexander Charles Ewald Our public records
a brief handbook to the national archives
Engels | 158 pagina's | Basil Montagu Pickering, London | 1873
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Bret Harte The little drummer, or The Christmas Gift that came to Rupert
a story for children
Engels | 63 pagina's | John Camden Hotten, London | 1873
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David A. Wells Free trade and free enterprise
report of the proceedings at the dinner of the Cobden Club, june 28, 1873
Engels | 132 pagina's | Cassell, Petter & Galpin, London [etc.] | 1873
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The pleasant history of Reynard the Fox
Engels | 136 pagina's | Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, London | 1873
Gedrukt boek
John H. Puleston Roman antiquities
recently discovered on the site of the National safe deposit Company's promises, Mansion house
Engels | 80 pagina's | Nichols & Son, London | 1873
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Sarah Doudney Wave upon wave or, Strengthened for trial
Engels | 206 pagina's | The Sunday School Union, London | 1873
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Old mother Hubbard
Engels | 10 pagina's | George Routledge and Sons, London, New York | 1873
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