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Michael Hannay | J. Lachlan Mackenzie Effective writing in English
a sourcebook
Engelstalige gids voor het schrijven in het Engels.
Engels | 304 pagina's | Uitgeverij Coutinho, Bussum | 2017
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Barbara Vine A fatal inversion
Een stel jonge mensen ziet tijdens een opwindende zomer op een oud landgoed in Suffolk luchthartig spel veranderen in bittere tragedie.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 316 pagina's | Penguin Books, London | 2014
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Fros van der Maden Learn Dutch now!
practical Dutch course on level A1-A2 (CEFR)
Cursusboek voor zelfstudie.
Nederlands | Engels | 276 pagina's | Vandorp Educatief, Leersum | 2016
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Textual mobility and cultural transmission
Textual Mobility and Cultural Transmission is the first publication of the research and documentation Centre for the Study of English Literatures in Dutch Translation. The first part explores the notion of 'textual mobility' from a theoretical, book historical and descriptive perspective. Having thus established a broad and dynamic framework, the second part subsequently provides four case studies on Byron, Carlyle, Woolf and Beckett. Tekstmobiliteit en Culturele Overdracht is de eerste publicatie...
Engels | Nederlands | 116 pagina's (PDF, 1 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Els van Steijn The fountain, celebrate your life
Understand the art of fully embracing your life
Every human being has something individual and unique to offer themselves and the rest of the world. The moment you stand in your rightful place in the fountain, you feel a surge of energy in your body in the form of fulfillment, enthusiasm, and joy. You perceive that you are embedded in something greater than yourself and feel supported by it. This force directs and guides you in a way that can hardly be articulated, but which can be perceived when you listen to the signals your body receives. This...
Engels | 316 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Het Noorderlicht, Nijmegen | 2024
K. ten Bruggencate Koenen woordenboek Nederlands-Engels
Nederlands | Engels | 1289 pagina's | Koenen Woordenboeken, Utrecht [etc.] | 2003
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Hugo Grotius Annals of the war in the Low Countries
The Annals of the War in the Low Countries is one of Hugo Grotius' lesser-known works. Grotius expresses a contrarian view of the early revolt, which he presents not as a united battle for the true faith and the ancient liberties of the land but as a protracted and painful struggle, not only with the great power of Spain, but also with discord, selfishness and religious fanaticism among the Dutch. To convey this complex and controversial vision of the foundational years of the Dutch Republic, Grotius...
Engels | PDF, 63 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Kelly Weekers Happy Life 365
the art of a joyous mindset
Engels | 184 pagina's (ePub2, 2,7 MB) | Moonshot Publishing B.V., Laren | 2023
Bert van Dijk Influencing others, start with yourself
on behaviour and Leary's Rose
'That's just the way I am.' A lot of people think that the way they behave is fixed in stone. Nothing could be further from the truth. This book shows you how you can consciously choose to adopt the most effective behaviour in order to improve your success rate at achieving your goals. This book uses Leary's Rose interaction model to give you an insight into the different communication processes. Leary's Rose is a schematic reproduction of different ways of behaving and the effect this has on other...
Engels | 92 pagina's (ePub2, 2 MB) | Thema, Publisher of Schouten Global, Zaltbommel | 2023
Marijn van der Poll Rightbrainer
survival handbook of original thoughts
Inzichten van de Nederlandse ontwerper (1973) over de werking van ideeën en hoe creatief denken ingezet kan worden om complexe problemen op te lossen.
Engels | 152 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Lev., Amsterdam | 2023
Merijne Bloem And now me
assertiveness in a nutshell
Assertiveness is an everyday thing. How do I stand up for myself? How do I clearly state my boundaries? How do I address another person's behavior? How do I make myself look better? Not everyone has mastered this, which is why there still is an enormous interest in assertiveness training. Not to mention the piles of books and articles written on the subject. Assertiveness The And now me loose-leafed booklet is a mini-course on assertiveness for people who want to be more assertive without losing...
Engels | 40 pagina's (PDF, 0,6 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2023
Hélène van Beek | Martijn van Rheenen Wards of State
Youth care under lock and key in the Netherlands
Wards of State: In the Netherlands, minors who have been placed under state supervision or have been removed from their home environment at the order of Youth Care are what we call wards of state. Youth care in the Netherlands is a market that is driven by perverse incentives, as this book makes clear. A market where expansion and money take precedence over the welfare of young people. A world in which truth and the best possible care are not of paramount importance. The research concerns the...
Engels | 248 pagina's (ePub2, 3,9 MB) | Nobel Boeken, Baarn | 2023
Cecilia Odé Bij de Joekagieren
het oudste toendravolk van Noord-Oost Siberië; north-east Siberia's oldest tundra people; Древнейший тундренный народ северо-восточной Сибири
Beschrijving van de ervaringen van een onderzoekster van bedreigde talen en culturen bij de Joekagieren, een nomadisch volk in Siberië.
Nederlands | Engels | Russisch | 240 pagina's | Lias Uitgeverij, Hilversum | 2018
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Pedro Moura Visualising small traumas
contemporary Portuguese comics at the intersection of everyday trauma
Portugal's vibrant comics scene originated as early as the 19th century, bringing forth brilliant individual artists, but has remained mostly unknown beyond Portugal's borders to this day. Now a new generation employs this medium to put into question hegemonic views on the economy, politics, and society. Following the experience of the financial crisis of the past decades and its impact on social policies, access to and rules of public discourse, and civil strife, comics have questioned what constitutes...
Engels | 237 pagina's (PDF, 2,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Recharting territories
intradisciplinarity in translation studies
Since the inception of Translation Studies in the 1970s, its researchers have held regular metareflections. Largely based on the assessment of translation and interpreting as two distinct but related modes of language mediation, each with its own research culture, these intradisciplinary debates have sought to take stock of the state of research within an ever-expanding discipline in search of (institutional) identity and autonomy. Recharting Territories proposes a more widespread and systematic...
Engels | PDF, 3,6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
David Pinho Barros The clear line in comics and cinema
a transmedial approach
The "clear line", a term coined in 1977 by Dutch essayist and artist Joost Swarte, has become shorthand in the field of comics studies for the style originally developed by Hergé and the École de Bruxelles. It refers to certain storytelling strategies that generate a deceptively simple, lucid and hygienic narration: in Philippe Marion's words, it is a style "made out of light, fluidity and limpid clarity". By cataloguing and critically analysing clear line comics from historical and theoretical...
Engels | PDF, 18 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Justus Lipsius Monita et exempla politica
In 17th-century intellectual life, the ideas of the Renaissance humanist Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) were omnipresent. The publication of his Politica in 1589 had made Lipsius' name as an original and controversial political thinker. The sequel, the Monita et exempla politica (Political admonitions and examples), published in 1605, was meant as an illustration of Lipsius political thought as expounded in the Politica. Its aim was to offer concrete models of behavior for rulers against the background...
Engels | Latijn | PDF, 11 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
The truths of psychoanalysis
Truth has always been a central philosophical category, occupying different fields of knowledge and practice. In the current moment of fake news and alternative facts, it is mandatory to revisit the various meanings of truth. Departing from various approaches to psychoanalytic theory and practice, the authors gathered in this book offer critical reflections and insights about truth and its effects. In articulations of psychoanalysis with (for instance) philosophy, ethics, and politics, the reader...
Engels | PDF, 3,4 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Berthold Gunster Omdenken at work
the Dutch art of flip-thinking
Why... ...do we work anyway? ...do we often put on an act at work? ...do we try to prevent any mishaps, or friction, by introducing endless bureaucracy? ...do our 'solutions' only make the problem worse? ...does one co-worker continuously act like a baby, and the other like a bully? ...do we work in a world of busy-busy-busy, stress, and burn-out? ...is there so much unspoken suspicion between employers and employees? And how... ...could we omdenk (flip-think) these problems? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2, 4,1 MB) | Omdenken Uitgeverij, [Utrecht] | 2022
Hans Siepel Voices of the soul
the forgotten truth about dementia
This searing memoir, written by a son about his mother's dementia, is set in a town in the Netherlands but the issues reflected are relevant anywhere. The family are devoted, but the mother's decline reveals undercurrents in their relationships. We hear of the conventional medical approach to this difficult area of care but the family reject the medication so frequently prescribed to control patients. For a while, they care for her themselves at home but her increasingly erratic and sometimes violent...
Engels | ePub2, 1,9 MB | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022