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Satya Watch Out!
TAMIL - Jump and crawl and climb with Satya as he goes along with Amma to the farm where she works. A story about the different and wonderful ways in which we move.
Tamil | Pratham Books, * | 2024
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Kutti Anbu
TAMIL - Anbu is an adorable street puppy. He smells the delicious lunch that Soosaiamma has in her lunch box. He follws Soosaiamma. Does she share her food with him?
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2024
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Naangu Nanbargal
TAMIL - A hunter catches the deer in a net. Can de deer's friend's help him escape? It is astory about friendship and resourcefulness with strong illustrations and vibrant colours.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Valavala Aamai
TAMIL - A dramatic retelling of the old fable. The tortoise loves to talk and learns the hard way that keeping his mouth shut is sometimes not only necessary but also wise.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Pogalam Vaanga
TAMIL - 10, 9, 8, 7 «2013» count the children as they come leaping, riding, zooming in on cycles, scooters, rickshas«2026» A racy counting book with a different mode of transport on every spread! Children with completely different personalities brighten up the streets. NCERT recommended
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Erumbugalin Pinnaalae
TAMIL - Anita follows a long line of ants. Where do they take her? Bright pictures capture the curiosity of a lively, little girl.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2024
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நாம் யார்?
Who are we?
TAMIL Wie zijn we? helpt ons de diversiteit in onze gemeenschap te begrijpen en te waarderen.
Tamil | Language Lizard, * | 2024
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Singamum Nariyum
TAMIL - The smart lion thinks he can use the fox to bring his food everyday, but the fox is smarter. A familiar tale from panchatantra with rich illustrations.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Kodum Vattamum
TAMIL - Using a simple, direct approach this book presents a basic concept «2013» it encourages children to recognise forms through lines and circles and observe them in the world around them. As the two forms come together to create various images, the narrative builds on the concept to tell a story. The pictures have been inspired by folk toys.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Ippo Illai!
TAMIL - A book with playful rhyme and lovable pictures, this is godd book to send your child to bed.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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TAMIL - Papa tries to wake up Annika, but all Annika says is "No!". What does Papa do now? The book has beautiful pictures!
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Mirugakatchisalaikku Pogiraen!
TAMIL - This book of verse says about who's who at the zoo and what they are up to. It has milimalist illustration with clean lines.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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TAMIL - Amma makes Dosas, the paper thin chapatis. They keep vanishing! The pictures move in this book. A huge hit with the children.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2018
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Minuvum Aval Koondhalum
TAMIL - Minu's hair looks almost like a bird's nest and she does not like it. Her parents and grandmother try to tame it. What happens then?
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2022
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TAMIL - This picture book talks about the wonder of watching new life grow through the seed. A girl discovers a seed one day. She puts it in a pot and then when the plant starts to grow, she is thrilled.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2013
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Nilaavil Muyal
TAMIL - When a herd of elephants creates trouble in the jungle, what do the rabbits do? They do not run away in fear. In this retelling of a famous fable, we get another version of the story.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2010
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Were Going on a Bear Hunt
TAMIL In Wij gaan op berenjacht gaan een vader en zijn vier kinderen op jacht naar een heel grote beer om te vangen. Niets is ze te gek en ze zijn nergens bang voor. Kolkende rivieren, sneeuwstormen of donkere bossen, ze gaan er dwars doorheen. Maar dan komen ze een echte beer tegen... Voor kinderen vanaf 3 jaar.
Tamil | Mantra Lingua, * | 2021
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TAMIL - When the lioness goes off to hunt, her cubs go to play. But are they safe in the jungle? It is a playful adventure book with minimal text and lively illustrations.
Tamil | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Bill Martin (Jr.) Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
Beertje bruin ziet een rode vogel, vogel rood ziet een gele eend, eendje geel ziet een blauw paard en wat ziet de lieve juf? En wat zien de negen kindjes? Prentenboek met kleurrijke collages en tekst op rijm. Vanaf ca. 3 jaar.
Fictie | Dierenleven
Engels | Tamil | 32 pagina's | Mantra Lingua, London | 2019
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