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James Joyce Ulysses
Beschrijving van achttien episoden uit één dag in het leven van een joodse advertentiecolporteur in Dublin in het jaar 1904, analoog aan de "Odyssee" van Homerus.
Engels | 939 pagina's | Penguin Classics, an imprint of Penguin Books, London | 2022
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Elizabeth von Arnim The enchanted April
Vier vrouwen luchten tijdens een vakantie aan de Italiaanse Rivièra hun hart en ontdekken vele gemeenschappelijke ervaringen en frustraties.
Engels | 262 pagina's | Vintage Books, London | 2022
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David Garnett Lady into fox
Als een gelukkig getrouwde man zijn vrouw ziet veranderen in een vos, wordt zijn liefde voor haar op de proef gesteld.
Engels | 90 pagina's | Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York | 2018
Gedrukt boek
G. K. Chesterton Eugenics and Other Evils
"The Frenchman works until he can play. The American works until he can’t play; and then thanks the devil, his master, that he is donkey enough to die in harness. But the Englishman, as he has since become, works until he can pretend that he never worked at all." ‘Eugenics and Other Evils’ (1922) is a magnificent takedown of the entire basis of eugenic thought – the idea that controlled breeding will improve the human population. But it is about far more than eugenics: it is about how evil succeeds...
Engels | 5 uur 13 minuten (235 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
F. Scott. Fitzgerald The Beautiful and Damned
Anthony does not want to work. Why should he? He gets by comfortably on his allowance and once his grandfather dies he will inherit so much that he never needs to think about money again. When he falls in love with the beautiful Gloria and they become part of the wild party scene of New York, it seems that Anthony has made it. But his grandfather’s will is just around the corner and it is about to blow up their lives in a way they could never have foreseen. One of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s most accomplished...
Engels | 12 uur 53 minuten (592 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
F. Scott Fitzgerald The beautiful and damned
Een jong echtpaar uit New York is in de jaren '20 van de 20e eeuw vastbesloten hun huwelijk te laten slagen, maar wanneer ieder een paar foutjes in de ander ontdekt is dat het begin van het einde.
Engels | 363 pagina's | Penguin Classics, London [etc.] | 2010
Gedrukt boek
J.E.W. Ihle De in den dikken darm van het paard levende volwassen Strongyliden (Sclerostomen)
Nederlands | Engels | 118 pagina's | Algemeene Landsdrukkerij, 's-Gravenhage | 1922
H.G. de Maar Handboek der Engelsche handelstaal
Nederlands | Engels | 232 pagina's | Wolters, Groningen [etc.] | 1922
J.F.L. de Balbian Verster Holland-Zuid-Afrika
een geschiedkundig overzicht van scheepvaart- en handelsbetrekkingen in oude en nieuwe tijden; an historical account of shipping and commercial relations in old and modern days
Nederlands | Engels | 6 pagina's | Houthakker, Amsterdam | 1922
Herman Jansonius Engelsch handelsleesboek
Nederlands | Engels | 183 pagina's | van Goor, Gouda | 1922
A.A. Milne The Red House mystery
Twee vrienden proberen een geheimzinnige moord in een landhuis op te lossen.
Fictie | Detectiveroman
Engels | 211 pagina's | Vintage Books, London | 2008
Gedrukt boek
An educational pilgrimage to the United States
travel diary of Raymond Buyse, 1922
In 1922, a young Belgian 'pedologist' named Raymond Buyse accompanied the famous Dr. Ovide Decroly on a study tour of the United States of America. They met with well-known American professors to learn more about the 'scientific' study of the child and especially about applied American psychology. Buyse noted his impressions of the trip in a diary. These are scribbles, sometimes difficult to decipher, written on loose sheets, held together by a ring binder. They reflect the culture shock experienced...
Engels | Frans | 150 pagina's (PDF, 9,5 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
J. Six The reconstruction of the temple of Mentuhetep II
Engels | Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam | 1922
A.J. Wensinck The oriental doctrine of the martyrs
Engels | 28 pagina's | Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam | 1922
David Devant Lessons in conjuring
Engels | 152 pagina's | George Routledge [etc.], London [etc.] | 1922
M.E. Mulder The "green ray" or "green flash" (rayon vert) at rising and setting of the sun
Engels | 141 pagina's | Van Stockum, The Hague | 1922
H.J.T. Bijlmer Anthropological results of the Dutch scientific Central New Guinea expedition A° 1920
followed by an essay on the anthropology of the Papuans
Engels | 94 pagina's | Brill, Leiden | 1922
Frater Ashad Q.B.L., or, The bride's reception
being a short cabalistic treatise on the nature and use of the tree of life; : by Frater Ashad; with a brief introd. and a lengthy app.
Engels | 43 pagina's | 1922
Arthur Ainslie (Arthur Wellesley Pain) Water wizardry
a collection of tricks in which water is the chief agent
Engels | 124 pagina's | C. Arthur Pearson, London | 1922
Galerie Bachstitz Exhibition of primitiv masters
Bachstitz Gallery, The Hague
Engels | 8 pagina's | 1922