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रेखा और वृत्त
HINDI - Using a simple, direct approach this book presents a basic concept «2013» it encourages children to recognise forms through lines and circles and observe them in the world around them. As the two forms come together to create various images, the narrative builds on the concept to tell a story. The pictures have been inspired by folk toys.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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HINDI - Matilda is briljant. Ze is een gevoelig meisje dat geweldig goed kan leren. Toen ze anderhalf was, kon Matilda al praten als een volwassene, en al vóór ze vijf was, las ze boeken van wereldberoemde schrijvers. Maar haar ouders vinden haar maar lastig en behandelen haar als ongedierte. Matilda besluit dat het tijd is voor actie. Ze bedenkt slimme straffen voor haar ouders. En als het gruwelijke schoolhoofd juffrouw Bulstronk haar ook wil aanpakken, ontdekt Matilda dat ze iets kan wat niemand...
Hindi | Quentin Blake, * | 2023
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
HINDI - Als Sjakie een Gouden Toegangskaart vindt in een reep chocola, gaat zijn diepste wens in vervulling: hij krijgt een rondleiding door de geheimzinnige chocoladefabriek van meneer Willie Wonka, de ongelofelijkste, geweldigste en verbazingwekkendste chocoladefabrikant ooit. En wie zou niet willen rondwandelen op de plek waar ze opstijglimonade met prik, holle-kiezen-vullende karamels, aardbeiensap-waterpistolen of aflikbaar behang voor kinderkamers maken? Maar in de fabriek schuilen ook grote...
Hindi | Quentin Blake, * | 2023
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मेरी मातृभाषा क्या है?
HINDI - It is Language Day at Zhevili«2019»s school in Nagaland. She has to introduce herself in her mother tongue. But what is her mother tongue? Zhevili isn«2019»t sure. This endearing book tells the story of identity and disappearing languages.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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Chand par Khargosh
HINDI - When a herd of elephants creates trouble in the jungle, what do the rabbits do? They do not run away in fear. In this retelling of a famous fable, we get another version of the story.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Gurud Mahapuran
Sanskriet | Hindi | Nederlands | 1543 pagina's | SA Uitgeverij, Amsterdam | 2023
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अंतरिक्ष में एक गीत: केसरबाई केरकर
HINDI - Little Kesar loved to sing. She never imagined that when she grew up her voice would travel to distant galaxies. Read this book to find out about legendary singer Kesarbai Kerkar«2019»s fascinating musical journey.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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Lal Chatri
HINDI - It is raining. What happens when seven animals have to share one small umbrella?
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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खंडहर में अरुण
HINDI - Arun and Arunachalam are stuck inside a mysterious old palace. The only way they can get out is by building an electronic circuit. But how will they do it?
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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मेले में गणित
HINDI - Leelu is at the fair with her class of 36 students. But Sir needs to keep counting them to see how many tickets to buy and to make sure no one is lost. Is there an easier way to count to 36 instead of 1,2,3...? The concept of tables is introduced through a story about counting in groups.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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घुम-घुम घड़ियाल का शानदार रोमांच
HINDI - Ghum-Ghum Gharial is out on her very first swim when she realizes that her family has swum off without her. Will she find them? Swim along the river Ganga with Ghum-Ghum and meet many amazing creatures along the way!
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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Sher aur Lomri
HINDI - The smart lion thinks he can use the fox to bring his food everyday, but the fox is smarter. A familiar tale from panchatantra with rich illustrations.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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Batuni Kachua
HINDI - A dramatic retelling of the old fable. The tortoise loves to talk and learns the hard way that keeping his mouth shut is sometimes not only necessary but also wise.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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चीकू नाम की लड़की
HINDI - There was nothing special about Cheeku. But one ordinary day, this seemingly-ordinary girl shows that everyone of us is special.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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Mujhe uthao, Ma!
HINDI - This book introduces young readers to a variety of animals and the different ways in which they carry their young ones. Beautiful illustrations.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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उस देश में जहां बीटल का राज है
HINDI - Let's go to a world where all the colors of nature reside. May the living beings be happy and may there be a world of trees.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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दस की शक्ति
HINDI - A counting book that takes readers to the edge of the universe and back.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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HINDI - When the lioness goes off to hunt, her cubs go to play. But are they safe in the jungle? It is a playful adventure book with minimal text and lively illustrations.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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सत्या सावधान!
HINDI - Jump and crawl and climb with Satya as he goes along with Amma to the farm where she works. A story about the different and wonderful ways in which we move.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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Minu aur uskey Baal
HINDI - Minu's hair looks almost like a bird's nest and she does not like it. Her parents and grandmother try to tame it. What happens then?
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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