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Roald Dahl Charlie y la Fábrica de chocolate
Spaans | 172 pagina's | Alfagukara, Madrid | 1983
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Verónica Murgia Ali Babá y los cuarenta ladrones
Spaans | 48 pagina's | Ediciones SM, Madrid | 2003
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Brenda Ponnay ¡Feliz Cumpleaños pequeño Buho!
Spaans | 28 pagina's | Xist Publishing, Irvine, CA | 2018
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Mark Twain | Philip C. Stead El rapto del príncipe Margarina
"Based on a set of unfinished Mark Twain notes for a children's story, this is the tale of Johnny, a young boy with a magical ability to speak to animals who sets off to rescue a stolen prince"--
Spaans | 151 pagina's | Oceano Travesia, Barcelona | 2017
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Susana Peix BDQ
¿Te gusta bailar?
"¿Te gusta bailar? ¿Tu esqueleto se mueve solo? ¿Sueñas con participar en un grupo de baile? Un grupo de chicas se unen para participar en competiciones de danza urbana. Su sueño es inscribirse en la European Best Dance Crew, la competición más importante de Europa, pero necesitan una quinta integrante para presentarse y parece que alguien se ha propuesto que no lo consigan. ¿Quién sabotea los carteles del casting? ¿Conseguirán formar el grupo a tiempo para el evento?"--Back cover
Spaans | 163 pagina's | Anaya, Madrid | 2017
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Julie Murray El otoño
"Big changes come in fall--from the weather to the activities we do. Pairing very simple text and vibrant pictures of fall, readers will learn what they can expect in this season and all the fun things they can do. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards"--Provided by the publisher
Spaans | 24 pagina's | ABDO Kids, Minneapolis, Minnesota | 2016
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Julie Murray El verano
"Big changes come in summer--from the weather to the activities we do. Pairing very simple text and vibrant pictures of summertime, readers will learn what they can expect in this season and all the fun things they can do. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards"--Provided by the publisher
Spaans | 24 pagina's | ABDO Kids, Minneapolis, Minnesota | 2016
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Eric Hill Spot va a la escuela
Spot the dog has an eventful first day at school. Illustrations feature lift-up flaps. El perro Spot se pasa un primer día memorable a la escuela. Las ilustraciones incluyen faldas movibles que revelan otros caracteres y algunas sorpresas
Spaans | 22 pagina's | Penguin Group, New York, NY | 2014
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Eduardo Trujillo Busca en los trenes y estaciones
Spaans | 29 pagina's | Susaeta, Madrid | 2012
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Suzanne Collins En llamas
By winning the annual Hunger Games, District 12 tributes Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark have secured a life of safety and plenty for themselves and their families, but because they won by defying the rules, they unwittingly become the faces of an impending rebellion
Spaans | 407 pagina's | RBA Molino, Barcelona | 2012
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Carmen Villanueva El renacuajo Juanjo moja la cama y anda cabizbajo
"Juanjo vive de lo más feliz en su charca con su familia y amigos. Si no fuera porque se levanta mojado todos los días ... sería el rey del lugar. Por suerte, la sabia rana Mariana sabrá cómo ayudarle. Y así ... ¡se levantará seco todas las mañanas!""--Page 4 of cover
Spaans | 28 pagina's | Fortuna, Bizkaia [Spain] | 2012
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Patricia Geis ¡A lavarse los dientes!
el pop-up de la higiene bucal
Pop-ups, flaps to lift, and other interactive elements present information about the teeth, the importance of oral hygiene, and the best tooth care techniques. Pop-ups, flaps to lift, and other interactive elements present information about the teeth, oral hygiene, and the best tooth care techniques
Spaans | Combel Editorial S.A., Barcelona | 2010
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Concha López Narváez La tejedora de la muerte
Spaans | 121 pagina's | Bruño, Madrid | 2009
Gedrukt boek
Los 100 cuentos más bellos del mundo
para leer antes de dormir
Verhaaltjes voor het slapengaan
Spaans | 69 pagina's | Editorial Sigmar, Buenos Aires | 2007
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Jane Seabrook Zoo-lógica
para enfrentar los pequeños desafíos de la vida
Exquisitely detailed watercolor paintings depicting animals caught up in the joy and drudgery of life are paired with old adages given a new spin for our times. Tender thoughts such as "Smile first thing in the morning--get it over with," "If you don't agree with me--it means you haven't been listening," and "You'll always be my best friend--you know too much" go a long way toward banishing the blahs and shaking off the blues
Spaans | 74 pagina's | V & R Editoras, Buenos Aires | 2006
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Edna Iturralde Miteé y el cantar de las ballenas
Spaans | 176 pagina's | Alfaguara, Quito | 2006
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Rafael Cruz-Contarini De la A a la Z con Don Quijote
Spaans | 33 pagina's | Everest, León [España] | 2005
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