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Mirjam Visker Lappa kleurt de stad
De dag van Lappa begint grijs en grauw: het regent. Al gauw breekt de zon door, en Lappa geniet van alle kleuren. De dag wordt avontuurlijk en gezellig. Prentenboek (Nederlands-Hindi) met interactieve vragen en kleurrijke illustraties. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Nederlands | Hindi | 32 pagina's | LAPPA Books International BV, [Vlaardingen] | 2021
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रेखा और वृत्त
HINDI - Using a simple, direct approach this book presents a basic concept «2013» it encourages children to recognise forms through lines and circles and observe them in the world around them. As the two forms come together to create various images, the narrative builds on the concept to tell a story. The pictures have been inspired by folk toys.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2023
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मेरी पहली किताब चीजों की जो चलती हैं
HINDI - There are so many vehicles all around us. But do you know what they are called? Let's meet some of them in this bilingual book, part of a series to introduce young readers to their immediate environment.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2024
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Baingani Jojo
HINDI - One day Jojo the dog wakes up to find purple spots on his body. Where did they come from? A simple story with good illustration. 2-4 lines per page teaching colors. Easy to understand.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2025
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HINDI - Crawling snails, fluttering butterflies and pigs rolling in the mud«2026»there are many creatures in this book, and many more creatures join them. Can you count all these creatures? Come, read a simple book on sum of numbers«2026»
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2024
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Main Chali Chidiyaghar
HINDI - This book of verse says about who's who at the zoo and what they are up to. It has milimalist illustration with clean lines.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2017
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मेरी मातृभाषा क्या है?
HINDI - It is Language Day at Zhevili«2019»s school in Nagaland. She has to introduce herself in her mother tongue. But what is her mother tongue? Zhevili isn«2019»t sure. This endearing book tells the story of identity and disappearing languages.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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My First Book of Hindi Words
HINDI - Everyday Hindi words collected for preschoolers and above with good illustrations to give a glimpse of Indian life to the children. Words are written in Hindi script as well as a transliteration. The Hindi words match the English alphabet.
Hindi | Tuttle, * | 2021
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Ram Setu ki Kahani
HINDI - A story with beautiful pictures that tell about how Lord Ram built the bridge across the ocean with the help of monkeys.
Hindi | Sonalika Publications, * | 2025
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Gola ka ghar Kahan?
HINDI - Gola, the yak wants a home. His friend Muri, the eagle takes him to the sea, the forest, the desert- but where is Gola's home? The illustrations are beautiful and the words are simple for young readers.
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2025
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पिशी और मैं
HINDI - Chutku returns from his walks with his aunt, his pocket full of treasures and stories. Narrated from a childs point of view, this is the story of the heartwarming relationship between an aunt and her nephew.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2024
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अंतरिक्ष में एक गीत: केसरबाई केरकर
HINDI - Little Kesar loved to sing. She never imagined that when she grew up her voice would travel to distant galaxies. Read this book to find out about legendary singer Kesarbai Kerkar«2019»s fascinating musical journey.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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मिट्टी के बर्तन बनाता सुअर
HINDI - Lalita is the pet pig of Mini Singh the potter. She is a naughty pig and is always in trouble. One day, Mini finds all his beautiful pots broken, and blames Lalita. Find out what happens next. This story is inspired by a real-life pig who lives in Pune with a real-life potter.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2024
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मेले में गणित
HINDI - Leelu is at the fair with her class of 36 students. But Sir needs to keep counting them to see how many tickets to buy and to make sure no one is lost. Is there an easier way to count to 36 instead of 1,2,3...? The concept of tables is introduced through a story about counting in groups.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2023
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My First Book of wild animals
HINDI - The first bilingual picture board book (English - Hindi) for your child to learn wild animals. Its well-researched pictures will help your baby to identify different animals, build vocabulary and improve observation skills.
Engels | Hindi | Wonder House Books, * | 2022
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My First Book of हिंदी वर्णमाला
HINDI «2013» The first bilingual picture board book (English - Hindi) for your child to learn the Hindi Varnmala. Its well-researched pictures will help your baby to identify different letters in the Hindi Alphabet, build vocabulary and improve observation skills.
Engels | Hindi | Wonder House Books, * | 2022
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My First Book of shapes
HINDI - The first bilingual picture board book (English - Hindi) for your child to learn shapes. Its well-researched pictures will help your baby to identify different shapes, build vocabulary and improve observation skills.
Engels | Hindi | Wonder House Books, * | 2022
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My First Book of numbers
HINDI - The first bilingual picture board book (English - Hindi) for your child to learn numbers. Its well-researched pictures will help your baby to identify different numbers, learn counting (1-20), and improve observation skills.
Engels | Hindi | Wonder House Books, * | 2022
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Chota Anbu
HINDI - Anbu is an adorable street puppy. He smells the delicious lunch that Soosaiamma has in her lunch box. He follws Soosaiamma. Does she share her food with him?
Hindi | Tulika Books, * | 2024
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वेटलिफ्टिंग राजकुमारी
HINDI - Princess Nila is eager to win the Surya Championship, the famous weightlifting contest in her kingdom. But there are so many obstacles to overcome. Not least, a handsome prince and her parents«2019» expectations.
Hindi | Pratham Books, * | 2024
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