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Woordenboek Latijn-Nederlands
Nederlands | Latijn | 1196 pagina's | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2003
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H.H. Mallinckrodt Latijn Nederlands
Woordenboek Latijn Nederlands te gebruiken bij de studie van Latijns.
Latijn | Nederlands | 344 pagina's | Prisma, Houten | 2017
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Justus Lipsius Monita et exempla politica
In 17th-century intellectual life, the ideas of the Renaissance humanist Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) were omnipresent. The publication of his Politica in 1589 had made Lipsius' name as an original and controversial political thinker. The sequel, the Monita et exempla politica (Political admonitions and examples), published in 1605, was meant as an illustration of Lipsius political thought as expounded in the Politica. Its aim was to offer concrete models of behavior for rulers against the background...
Engels | Latijn | PDF, 11 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
John Milton John Milton, Epistolarum familiarium liber unus and Uncollected letters
John Milton holds an impressive place within the rich tradition of neo-Latin epistolography. His Epistolae Familiares and uncollected letters paint an invigorating portrait of the artist as a young man, offering insight into his reading programme, his views on education, friendship, poetry, his relations with continental literati, his blindness, and his role as Latin Secretary. This edition presents a modernised Latin text and a facing English translation, complemented by a detailed introduction...
Latijn | Engels | PDF, 6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
John Barclay Icon animorum or The mirror of minds
Original Latin text with English translation on facing pages. In this essay from 1614 the Neo-Latin poet, translator, and commentator John Barclay describes the manners and mores of his European contemporaries. He derives the sources of an individual's peculiarities of behavior and temperament from the 'genius' - the individual character created by each person's upbringing, time of life, and profession. Barclay likewise describes each nation's genius, its national character, and provides some of...
Engels | Latijn | 380 pagina's (PDF, 1,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Andrea Alciati Andreae Alciati contra vitam monasticam epistula
Criticism of monastic life by one of Europe's major Renaissance figures. In his letter Against Monastic Life (1514-17) Andrea Alciato, an Italian jurist and writer famous for his Emblemata, urges his friend Bernardus Mattius to reconsider his choice of monastic life. Alciato makes his argument by criticizing religious superstition, the Church's hierarchy, and monastic practices, particularly the Franciscans' hypocrisy, wealth, and divisiveness. Instead, he defends a stoic, civic humanism. Due to...
Latijn | Engels | 144 pagina's (PDF, 2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Juan Maldonado Spanish humanism on the verge of the picaresque: Juan Maldonado's Ludus chartarum, Pastor bonus, and Bacchanalia
The 16th-century humanist Juan Maldonado in his Latin essays foreshadows the Spanish picaresque. Like Erasmus, with whom he corresponded,Maldonado advocated the use of Latin in a wide-range of activities. Maldonado's Pastor Bonus, a lengthy open letter to a bishop, reviews in a vivid and satirical style the abuses of the churchmen in his diocese. His ludus chartarum is framed as a colloquium similar to Vives' on the subject, entertaining while teaching a Latin terminology for card playing. His Bacchanalia,...
Latijn | Engels | 298 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Aulularia and other inversions of Plautus
First critical edition of Burmeister's newly discovered Aulularia. Joannes Burmeister of Lüneburg (1576-1638) was among the greatest Neo-Latin poets of the German Baroque. His masterpieces, now mostly lost, are Christian 'inversions' of the Classical Roman comedies of Plautus. With only minimal changes in language and none in meter, each transforms Plautus's pagan plays into comedies based on biblical themes. Fascinating in their own right, they also bring back to attention forgotten genres of Renaissance...
Engels | Latijn | Duits | 292 pagina's (PDF, 1,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
F. Muller (Jzn) Koenen woordenboek Latijn-Nederlands
Latijn | Nederlands | 1016 pagina's | Koenen Woordenboeken, Utrecht [etc.] | 2006
Gedrukt boek
Milena Minkova Florilegium recentioris Latinitatis
A comprehensive critical anthology of Neo-Latin texts Neo-Latin, a truly interdisciplinary and multicultural field of study, has become especially relevant in today's global age. Latin does not belong to any particular country, but to the Republic of Letters with its high aims and universal appeal. A comprehensive critical anthology of Neo-Latin would thus be useful in the classroom, both in secondary school and on university level, as well as for independent scholars. The present volume is comprised...
Latijn | PDF, 1,1 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Cornelius Aurelius Die Marias von Cornelius Aurelius
Einleitung, Textausgabe und Anmerkungen
Die Textausgabe der Marias, ein Gedicht von Cornelis Aurelius, umfaßt eine Einleitung, den Text des Gedichtes, Anmerkungen zum Text und schließlich einen Index nominum und einen Index fontium. Die Edition basiert auf der einzigen Handschrift der Marias, die heute in der Athenaeumbibliotheek in Deventer bewahrt wird. Diese Handschrift umfaßt neben einem Widmungsbrief des Autors an den Deventer Schulmeister Jacobus Faber und einer introductio die ersten zehn Bücher des Gedichtes; die zweite und dritte...
Latijn | Duits | 198 pagina's (PDF, 1,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Terence Tunberg De rationibus quibus homines docti artem Latine colloquendi et ex tempore dicendi saeculis XVI et XVII coluerunt
Study of conversational Latin and ex tempore expression in Latin. The use of Latin for conversation and ex tempore discourse was a significant element in the culture of learned people in the humanist age and the early modern era. This book explores that phenomenon and the considerable amount of evidence pertaining to it in the primary sources written in the period. The author takes into account the use of spoken Latin both inside and outside the academic world. Examining disputes over pronunciation...
Latijn | 140 pagina's (PDF, 1,3 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
C. Valerius Catullus Catullus
complete gedichten met Latijnse tekst
Het hele poëtische oeuvre van de Romeinse dichter Catullus (87-ca. 54 v.Chr.) in vertaling naast het origineel.
Nederlands | Latijn | 304 pagina's | Primavera Pers, Leiden | 2018
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Vincent Hunink Levend in steen
Romeinse grafinscripties
Thematisch gerangschikte Romeinse grafschriften, voorzien van de Nederlandse vertaling.
Nederlands | Latijn | 262 pagina's | Damon, Budel | 2007
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Régis de La Haye Latijnse woorden
lijst van Latijnse woorden en uitdrukkingen in de kerkregisters van Limburg
Nederlands | Latijn | 67 pagina's | Stichting Vrienden van het Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg, Maastricht | 2023
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Hans Kiens Laokoon
het beeld en de teksten
Nederlands | Latijn | 204 pagina's | Eburon, Delft | 2012
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